Zach Herron Imagine For Leane

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*Leane's P.O.V.*

Me and my best friend Michelle are currently on our way to meet our favorite band Why Don't We!! I have been waiting so long to meet them and today is the day. We get to the Venue and show them our tickets.

They let us in and tell us to get in line or the meet and greet. 

After a while of waiting it was finally our turn. "HEY" the boys greet us. "Hii" I say giving them each a hug. We introduce ourselves and we talk for a while but I mostly talk to Zach and Corbyn the most. 

We talk our picture and we were about to leave when Zach grabs my hand. "Yes?" I ask him confused. "Before you leave I was just wondering if me and Corbyn could get your number? So we could hang out again soon" Zach asks as Corbyn comes up behind him. "Yeah sure" I say pulling out my phone. We exchange numbers and me and Michelle leave to go wait for the concert. 

*After The Concert*

Me and Michelle walk to the nearest restaurant and have dinner. We see that the Why Don't We boys walk in. We continue to eat our food when they come to join us. "Hey Leane!" Zach says as they come up to us. "Hey guys" me and Michelle say at the same time. "Do you mind if we join you gals" Corbyn asks. "No go ahead" I say as me and Michelle scoot into the booth more. Zach sits by me with Corbyn besides him. MIchelle is next to me with Jonah, Daniel and Jack next to her. We talk for about an hour until they have to leave. "I wish I didn't have to leave so I could keep getting to know you" Zach says as we walk to his tour bus. "Same here" I say as we look into each other's eyes. "I'll tell you what. I'm going to facetime time you everyday until we meet again" Zach offers. "That sounds great" I say. We say our goodbyes and I watch his tour bus leave. 

Me and Michelle get home since she's spending the night at my house. It's about 11:30 when I get a FaceTime call from Zach. I answer it and we talk for about an hour until he has to go. We say goodnight and me and Michelle spend the rest of the night talking how them. 

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this imagine! This one is for @bubbles0203 so I hope you enjoyed this as well. If you have any requests comment down below or message me. Bye!

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