Zach Herron Imagine for Regan

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Hey guys! This imagine is for renicole11 so I hope you enjoy this. 

Regan's P.O.V.

Today me and my boyfriend Zach Herron are finally going to tell the rest of the boys of Why Don't We that we are boyfriend and girlfriend. I've been waiting to tell them for a while so i'm quite excited. I'm currently waiting for Zach to come pick me up. I sit their on the curb waiting for his car to pull up.

*Skip to car ride*

Me and Zach are in the car on our way to house when I ask him "So are you ready to tell the boys?" "Yeah I think so, I'm sure they are going to be happy for us" Zach smiles with holding my hand with his free hand. Zach and I blast the radio in the car and jam out. Many people were looking at us but we didn't care. We arrive to the house and step out of the car. We walk up to the door and walk in. "Hey guy's can you come downstairs please" Zach yells so they could here him. Seconds later, 4 boys are running down the stairs. "What's up" they all say combined. "We have something to tell you" Zach says seriously. "What is it" Jonah asks worriedly. "It's nothing to worry about it's just that me and Regan need to tell you something" Zach says calming them down. "Zach and I are boyfriend and girlfriend" Regan adds in. A second later they are all yelling and saying "I KNEW IT!" Zach and I look at each other awkwardly. "Honestly Regan, Zach we are so happy for you guy and have been waiting for you two to announce it for a while" Corbyn says. "Thanks Corbean" Zach  and I say at the same time. The rest of the day we hung out and ordered a pizza and watched a movie. By far the best day of my life.

I hope you all enjoyed this one! I wrote this in class, so sorry if there are any mistakes. Again this one is for renicole11 so I hope you enjoyed this as well. Also make sure you check out my new book 'Trip of a Time'. Bye!

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