Daniel Seavey Imagine For Abbey

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Abbey's P.O.V.
It's Monday morning and I wake up to my neighbor Daniel Seavey blasting music. I get up to my window seat and try to get his attention. "What's up neighbor" Daniel says turning down the music a bit. "Could you turn down the music a bit. It's really loud" I say to Daniel. "Yeah sorry" Daniel says turning down the music. "Thank you" I say as I shut my window. I get ready for the day. Today I'm actually meeting my Sarah.
I hear my doorbell ring and run downstairs. I open the door and see Sarah. "Hey Abbey" Sarah yells pulling me into a hug. "Hey Sarah" I say hugging her back. Sarah is my best friend in the world and we tell each other everything. "So what are we doing today" I ask her walking into my kitchen. "Umm how about we go to Daniel's house" Sarah says winking. Sarah has a huge crush on Daniel. I feel bad because I never told her that I like him as well. I run upstairs and open my window and yell "Hey Seavey" loud enough so he could hear me. "What's pretty lady" Daniel says sticking his head out the window. "What are you doing today?" I ask him sitting outside my window. "Nothing much. Why?" he asks me. "I was just wondering because me and Sarah are hanging out today and we have nothing to do" I say smiling at him. "If you guys have nothing to do, you can come over to my house and we can play games" Daniel offers. "Yeah that sounds great. We'll be right over. Wait, do you want us to bring lunch" I say getting back in my window. "If you don't mind" Daniel says smiling. "No I don't mind, what would you like" I say getting out a notebook and a pen. "How about we get Chick-Fil-A" Daniel says while telling me his order. "Ok we'll be over in a bit" I say getting up and telling Sarah to get in my car. We drive to Chick-Fil-A and order our food. We arrive back to my place and head to Daniels. I ring the doorbell and I see Sarah fixing her hair. If only she knew I liked him. Seconds later I hear Daniel's footsteps coming towards the door. He opens door and lets us in. "So what do you guys want to do" I say while eating my food. "Umm how about we play some video games and then we could shoot a video for your YouTube channel" Daniel offers. "Yeah that sounds like fun" I say smiling to him. I look over at Sarah who looks like she's trying to get his attention. I break down inside but smile.
*After Eating*
We finish eating and play some Gta, Just Dance and Rockstar Hero. After that I run over to my house and grab my camera. When I get back, I see Sarah trying to get more revealing so Daniel could notice her. I sigh a bit and set up my camera. "Alright what video should we film" I ask trying to get the camera in the right place. "How about we film a Q&A" Daniel offers. "Yeah that sounds like fun. Let we tweet my viewers" I say pulling out my phone and tweet telling them to ask us questions. I put it down and I see Sarah staring at Daniel. She seriously hasn't spoken to me ever since we got here. She's just been making googling eyes at Daniel. We film our video and seat outside on Daniels porch swing. After about an hour of being outside, we head back inside and watch some tv. Minutes later, Sarah get's a text. "Oh shoot. I have to be heading home" Sarah says getting up to leave. "Abbey are you leaving too" Sarah says seeming like she wants me to leave. "No I think I'm going to hang out here for a bit" I say looking at Daniel then back at her. "Oh okay. Bye Daniel" Sarah says walking out the door. "Abbey can I be honest with you" Daniel says turning to me. "Yeah sure" I say looking up at him. "Abbey I know Sarah likes me. But I don't like her. I like... you" Daniel says blushing a little bit. "Daniel I like you too. The reason I never said anything was because I thought Sarah would be angry at me" I say looking at him. We stay silent for a second and then lean in to kiss. As we touch lips, we hear the door open. We turn to the door to see Sarah standing there looking like she's about to cry. "Sarah I..." I say but get cut off. "What the heck Abbey! How dare you! You knew that I liked Daniel but what do you do? You go off and kiss him" Sarah says in pull on tears. "First of all Sarah, it wouldn't have worked out anyway. I don't like you, I like Abbey. Ok?" Daniel says calmly. All Sarah could do was walk out the door. I start to cry myself. Daniel comes over to me and hugs me. I decide to head home, to try to talk Sarah but she just ignores me. I put on my tv and fall asleep on the couch.
*Next Day*
Sarah still hasn't answered any of my calls or texts but I know she'll talk to me when she's ready. I get out of bed and head downstairs to make breakfast.
I finish my breakfast and head upstairs to change. I sit in my window seat and play music in my headphones. Minutes later, I see Daniel waving his hand over to me. I take out my headphones and open my window. "Hey Daniel" I say pulling on a half smile. "You okay Abbey? Sarah still hasn't replied to you" he says pulling a sad face on. "Not yet" I say pulling a sad face as well. "Don't worry she'll come around. Do you want to hang out today" Daniel offers. "Sure" I say getting up and closing my window. I head over to Daniel's and we watch a bunch of movies. I hope Sarah will talk to me soon.

Hey guy's! I hope y'all enjoyed this imagine. This imagine is for so I hope you enjoyed this as well. If you have any suggestions or request please leave a comment below or message me. Also comment down below if I should do a part 2 to this. See you in the next imagine. Bye!

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