Jack Avery Imagine For Sophia

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*Sophia's P.O.V.*

I'm currently on my way home after a hard day at work when I get a call from my boyfriend. 

Jack~ Hey babe! Are you on your way home?

Sophia~ Yeah I'm almost there

Jack~ Okay do you want me to pick up something to eat while I'm in town?

Sophia~ Yes please

Jack~ Alright I'll see you soon I love you!

Sophia~ I love you too 

We both hang as I pull into the driveway. I put my purse on the coffee table and fall onto my couch. 

*Jack's P.O.V.*

I'm currently picking up a pizza for me and Sophia to have for dinner. What she doesn't know is that I also got her some flowers and some gifts. I know she works really hard and I know she deserves everything in the world. I get the pizza and head home. 

*Sophia's P.O.V.*

I'm waiting for Jack to get home as I put on a tv show. I hear his car pull up and I wait for him to walk in. "Hey Babe" he says walking in the door. "Hey baby. What's in the bag" I ask pointing to the bag he was holding. "Well take this and put it down please" he says handing me the pizza. I put it on the coffee table. I look at him and see him handing me a bouquet of flowers. "Aww Jack thank you so much" I say taking the flowers and admiring them. 

"Wait but that's not all" he says pulling this out

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"Wait but that's not all" he says pulling this out.

"Wait but that's not all" he says pulling this out

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"Jack omg" I say smiling/starting to tear up. "And last but not least" he says pulling out 

"Jack Oh My Gawd" I say starting to tear up even more

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"Jack Oh My Gawd" I say starting to tear up even more. "Sophia I know how hard you've been working so hard and I thought you deserve some special things. "Aww Jack. I love you so much" I say going for a kiss. "I love you too" he says accepting my kiss. We both cuddle up on the couch, put on a movie and eat our pizza. I have the best boyfriend ever!

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this imagine! This one is for @JonahMaraisTheBean so I hope you enjoyed it as well. Bye!

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