Daniel Seavey Imagine For Ruthie

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*Ruthie's P.O.V.*

I'm just casually sitting on my counter in my kitchen watching youtube videos when I get a text from a Daniel. 

D~ Bro I need your help. I'm doing a surprise dinner for Ruthie and I don't know what to do.

I don't know how to reply so I just act like I never saw it. I continue to do what I was doing. Seconds later I get another. 

D~ Bro why aren't you answering your phone.

D~ Jack don't make me go upstairs and slap you.

I feel bad and but I let it wait because it's funny when Daniel smacks Jack. I wait a couple minutes until I get a text from Daniel.

D~ Ruthie it's you.....

R~ It is.....

D~ God dang...I wanted to surprise you....

R~ I know you did Daniel baby. I love you for it!

D~ I love you too!

R~ Did you smack Jack btw?

D~ I did xD

R~ Ayeee xD

Me and Daniel talk for a while and go on a amazing dinner date. We head go to his house after and me and Jack play fight because I was the reason Daniel smack him. I talk to the boys for a while until it's time to go to sleep. I say goodbye to the boys and kiss Daniel goodbye. What a amazing/odd day. 

Hey guys! Sorry for how short this imagine is. I still hope you all enjoyed though. This one is for @HelloCanYouNot so I hope you enjoyed this as well. If you have any requests please feel free to message me. Bye!

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