Zach Herron Imagine

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Hey guy's! I have another free hour in class so again sorry if there are any mistakes. Also this one can get deep. Just imagine Zach is older in this one as well. Hope you enjoy:)

Y/N's P.O.V.
It's 12:42 in the afternoon and Zach is currently at the studio. I am on twitter reading all the hate comments. My were shedding tears. I couldn't take it anymore. I rush upstairs in our bathroom and sit on the floor. I go on twitter and say "I'm done." I leave as that. I text all the boys in the band goodbye and tell Zach that I'm sorry and that I'll love him forever and that I'll miss him.

Y: I'm sorry Zach. I can't take it anymore. I'll love you and miss you while I'm up there. Goodbye <3

Z: Y/N what are you talking about?

Y: I'm ending it.

Z: No Y/N stop. Please don't do this. I'm leaving right now, I'm on my way home.

I don't reply. I reach for a razor and put it against my wrist. I run the water against my arm and run the razor across my wrist. I winced in pain. More tears started to run down my face. I do more and more until I can't see anymore. I lay on the ground waiting to die. A few seconds later I hear a door slam downstairs. "Y/N" someone screams. At that moment I didn't care who it was. Whoever it was, was now upstairs knocking on the bathroom door. The door breaks down and Zach rushes in. "What did you do" he says while holding me. He grabs a towel and covers my arm. He gets out his phone and dials 911. My sight was blurring. All I could see was Zach. Minutes later I hear ambulances. Men and women rush in and carry me into the ambulance. They drive me to the hospital and take me to a room. I pass out for a while.
As I wake up I see Zach looking at me. With tears in his eyes. I've never seen him cry before. "Zach" I say tiredly. "Y/N are you okay? Why would you do this" Zach pleads to me. "I couldn't take it anymore" I say with a tear coming out of my eyes. "But I'm here. Jack, Corbyn, Jonah and Daniel we're all here for you. You should have come to one of us" Zach says getting up and putting his hand on my face. Another tear runs down my face and I say "I know. I'm sorry." Zach doesn't say anything. All he does is put my head against his chest. When they released me from the hospital, me and Zach head back home and he got out his phone and took a picture of my bandage and posted it saying "I can't believe you guys. Why would you want to make Y/N my girlfriend feel the need to kill herself? For now you all need to stay out of mine and Y/N's relationship." "I love you" I say to Zach putting my hand behind his head. "I love you too" he says putting his hand on my cheek. We kiss. How did I get so lucky?

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this imagine. If any of you are going through depression, have anxiety or are feeling suicidal please get help. Talk to a parent, a friend, an online friend, a teacher or even me. You guys can always come to me. I know how it feels to be drepressed, to have anxiety and to feel suicidal. I've been through it all. Leave me message if you need to talk. Bye guys! :)

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