Jonah Marais Imagine For Erika

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*Erika's P.O.V.*

Today I am surprising my boyfriend Jonah at his WDW Toronto show. I told him I couldn't go to the show because of a family issue but really I'm surprising him. I haven't seen him in over a month so I'm super excited. Corbyn already knows since he's my best friend in the group. 

The Bean😜~ Hey Erika! Are you on your way to the venue?

Erika💜~ Yeah I am! Jonah doesn't know anything about this right?

The Bean😜~ Nope! He really does miss you!

Erika💜~ Okay good! I miss him too!

The Bean😜~ I'll see you in a little bit. I have to talk to David. Bye!

Erika💜~ Bye Bean!

I look at my messages and see I have a text from Jonah.

Jonah😍😘💌~ Babe I can't believe I'm not going to see you tonight 😩😭

Erika❤️️😍😘~ I know! I just want to hug you!! 😩😭

Jonah😍😘💌~ I'll try to find my way to you 😚😘

Erika❤️️😍😘~ Aww I love you so much!😘😘😘

 Jonah😍😘💌~  I love you too!!😘😘😘

We talk for a little bit until he has to prepare for the show. I start my car up again since I parked so I could text them and head to the venue. 

I get to the venue and I meet one of the security guys so he could lead me backstage. I get backstage and I see the boys on stage. I stand there listening to them and jam out to them when Jonah does his solo song. "Erika what's up!!" Jack greets me. "Just came to surprise Jonah" I say as he gives me a hug. The rest of the boys give me a hug and we come up with a plan. They tell me that we he goes up to the fans that I should take a microphone and walk on stage. I agree to the idea and we get ready. 

As he goes to the other side of the stage, I walk on the stage and the fans scream. Jonah doesn't so I walk behind him. I smile and say into the microphone "Hey babe I missed you" as I start to laugh. He stops and turns around and looks at me with wide eyes. "Erika!" he yells as he runs to me. He lifts me up off my feet and hugs me tight. "Hi Jonah!" I scream as I laugh. "What are you doing here" he says as he sets me down. "I came to surprise you" I say cheerfully. He pulls me into another hug and kisses me in front of all the fans. We both start laughing at all the flashes from the cameras and I exit off stage so he could finish his song. 

Later that night the boys get to there hotel rooms and I spend the night with Jonah. "I'm so happy you surprised" he says as I cuddle into his chest. "Do you know how hard it was for me to keep it from you" I laugh. He laughs and we kiss each other goodnight. I've missed cuddling with Jonah. 

Hey guys! I hope ya'll enjoyed this imagine. This one is for @eerriikkaa01 so I hope you enjoyed it as well. Bye!

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