Daniel Seavey Imagine For Abbi

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*Abbi's P.O.V.*

Today me and my best friend Logan Paul are hanging out today. Me and him live with each other as well but we are both so busy with YouTube. I change into my ootd (picture above) and make me and Logan some breakfast.

"Morning Abbi

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"Morning Abbi. Thanks for the breakfast" Logan says sitting down at the table. "Morning and you're welcome" I say sitting down across from him.

We finish breakfast and head to Logan's car. "So where are we going to day" I ask Logan as we get in the car. "I was thinking we could head over to Jake's house and record a video at his house" Logan says starting to drive. "That sounds fun! One for both our channels" I ask him. "That's the plan" Logan smiles.

We arrive to Jake's house and we start to film.

"Hey guys!! Welcome back to my YouTube channel and today me and Logan are going to be calling in sick at jobs we don't have" I say into the camera.

"Alright the first place that I'll be calling is Target" I say pulling up the number. "It's ringing" I whisper into the camera. "This is Target how can I help you" the lady on the line says as I already start to laugh. "Um hi this is.... Lisa and I was just calling in because I can't come into work today" I say holding in my laughter. "Umm and why can't you come into work today" the lady asks confused. "Because.... my dog turned off my alarm before I got up" me and Logan laugh as the stupidity that I thought of. "I'm sorry what is your name" the lady asks. "Lisa" I say casually. "Lisa what?" the lady asks. "Lisa.... Anderson" I say not knowing what I was saying. "okay I will mark you down. Bye" the lady says as she hangs up. "OMG she hung up on me" I scream/ laugh. Me and Logan burst out laughing.

*After Filming*

We head back to Logan's car and I ask him "where are we going next?" "I was thinking we could go to the Why Don't We boys house so you could meet them" Logan suggests. "Yeah that sounds great" I say starting to smile. I follow them all on Instagram and I can't wait to meet Daniel since he's my favorite.

We get to the house and I pull out my vlog camera and start to film. "THASS MUH BOIS" Logan yells as we enter the house. They all greet each other and Logan introduces me.

After the whole introduction we sit out in the backyard and talk for a while. Me and Daniel talk the most and we exchange numbers. "So Abbi would you like to go out with me when I have a day off" Daniel asks me as we walk away from the guys. "Yeah I would like that" I say starting to smile as I glance over to the rest of the guys.

Me and Daniel talk for the rest of the night talking and getting to know each other better.

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this imagine! This one is for @WDW-Is-Bomb so I hope you enjoyed this as well. If you have any requests, comment down below or message me. Bye!

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