Jack Avery Imagine For Melanie

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*Melanie's P.O.V.*

"This can't be happening, this can't be happening" I continue to say to myself as I pace back and forth. I missed my time of the month and lately I've been getting sick a lot. I'm pacing back and forth waiting for the pregnancy test to be ready. 

After about 5 minutes of waiting and I slowly walk over to it. "Please say negative, please say negative" I say with my eyes close before looking at it.  I look at it and say to myself "Positive" as I fall to the floor. My boyfriend Jack Avery hopefully will accept this. 

I wait patiently for Jack to get home to tell him. While I was waiting, I get a call from Christina (Corbyn's Girlfriend). "Hello" I say trying not to cry. "Hey Melanie what's wrong" Christina asks since she can tell somethings wrong. "Christina I don't know what I'm going to do" I say starting to cry. "Melanie calm down , what's wrong" Christina asks worriedly. "Christina... I'm" I stop trying not to cry even more. "Christina I'm pregnant" I say leaning back on my couch crying. "On no Melanie..." Christina says not knowing what else to say. "Christina what if Jack doesn't want the baby" I say through the tears. "Melanie if he doesn't want the baby you can come out to New York and you can move into an apartment with me and I'll help you" Christina offers. "Christina that would be great but I wouldn't want to impose or anything" I say starting to calm down. "Melanie of course you wouldn't impose, you're my best friend and I would do anything for you" Christina says. "You're the best Christina" I smile. I hear Jack's car pull up in the driveway. "Christina, Jack's here I gotta go" I say as me and Christina say goodbye. 

I hear Jack opening the door and I get very nervous. "Hey Melanie" Jack says cheerfully. "Hi Jack" I say not even looking at him. I sigh and get up. "Jack there's something I have to tell you" I say straight up. "What is it" he asks like everything is normal. I take a breath in. "Jack I'm pregnant" I say hoping he won't yell. He stares at me blankly. "Well it's not mine" he says with his face getting mad. "What the hell do you mean it's not yours, I've only been with you" I say yelling back. "Sorry but I'm not taking care of this baby, I'm too young for this" he says walking towards the door. "You're too young for this? I'm the one who has to take care of it for 9 months, and I'm the one who has to deliver it and you're saying YOU'RE too young for this" I say getting even more mad. "Sorry but I'm handling this" Jack says walking out. I break down into tears and fall on the floor. I run upstairs and lay in my bed.

*Couple Hours Later*

I called Christina telling her what happened. She tells me to pack all my clothes up and to come out to New York with her. I pack myself up and book a flight to New York. The closes flight I could get was tomorrow afternoon. I go to my bank and take out all my money  and close my bank account. I get back home and I make sure that I have everything ready for tomorrow. 

*Timeskip: 3 years later*

It's been 3 years since I've seen Jack and I have a baby boy named Kayden. Me and Christina moved back to LA throughout the years and we are currently at the mall. I'm carrying  Kayden in my arms and he looks exactly like Jack. We are in the food court and we're currently eating. 

We finish eating and continue shopping. We go into a toddler store for Kayden when Christina notices something. "What is it" I say looking up at her while still holding Kayden. "Look" she tells me while pointing to the direction. I look over to see the WDW boys. Corbyn see's us and walks over. "Hey Melanie. Hey Babe" Corbyn says greeting me and hugging Christina. "Who's this little guy" Corbyn says leaning down to look at Kayden. "This is Kayden" I say introducing him. "He's Jack's son isn't he?" Corbyn says looking up at me. I nod. "Corbyn what are you doing in a toddler's stor-" Jack says pauses as soon as he sees me. "We'll see you guys later" I say to Corbyn as me and Christina grab Kayden and start to walk out. When we were about to leave the store Jack calls me back. "Wait Melanie could I talk to you for a second" Jack says grabbing my arm. I pull my arm away and nod my head. "Melanie I'm so sorry for what I said 3 years ago, I regret everything I said and did"Jack says. "Jack you expect me to forgive after you left me pregnant with your child and saying that he isn't yours" I say holding my son. Jack just pauses. "Do you wanna hold him" I say referring to Kayden. "Can I?" Jack says sticking his arms out. He grabs him and holds him. Kayden looks at him confused. "Kayden sweetie, this is your Dad" I say looking at my little boy. Kayden looks at me and back at Jack. He puts his small hand on Jack's nose. We laugh. "He looks so much like you" I say looking at Kayden. "Melanie will you please let me come into yours and Kayden's life? I promise that I'll be better and I'll fix everything" Jack says still holding Kayden. "You promise?" I say looking up at him. "I 100% promise" Jack smiles. "Okay I forgive you" I say hugging him and my son. We have a mini group hug and return to the others. 

*Two years later*

Me and Jack have been back together for about two years now, we're married and have a baby girl. I'm glad I have gave him a second change two years ago. 

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this imagine. This one is for @moonlightbabe143 so I hope you enjoyed this one as well. If you have a request feel free to message. Bye!

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