Zach Herron Imagine For Charlotte

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*Charlotte's P.O.V.*

I'm currently walking down the halls of high school not really wanting to be here. As you can guess, yes I get bullied a lot but I get through it. I'm at locker putting my stuff away when someone slams my locker shut. I turn to see Cody the biggest bully in the school. He's also the star football player in the school so mostly everyone respects him. I look at him and drop my bag to the ground. I sigh and say "what do you want?" "Nothing. I just wanted to do this" he says before he throws me to the ground. I hit my head hard on the ground and everything turns blurry. I get see him about to kick me when I see someone stop him. I sit up and wipe my eyes so I can see better. I see Zach Herron fighting Cody back. "Why would Zach be protecting me" I think to myself. Teachers break up the fight and take Cody to the office since he had a bloody nose from Zach punching him. Zach walks over to me and helps me up. "You okay" he asks me looking me. "Yeah just my head hurts... a lot" I say putting my hand on my head. "Let me take you to the office" he says as he reaches for my bag and starts to walk me to the office. "Zach why did you help me from Cody" I ask him concerned. "I didn't want him to hurt you" he says looking at me. "Why?" I ask him confused. "Because I really like you" he smiles. "Really?" I ask him surprised. He nods. "I like you too" I smile back. "Then maybe when your head gets better, would you like to go out with me sometime" Zach asks me as we reach the office. "I would love to" I say as he opens the door for me. I'm glad that Zach helped me from Cody and I can't wait for our date. He truly is Perfect. 

Hey guys! I hope ya'll enjoyed this imagine. This one is for @zach_herrongirl so I hope you enjoyed it as well. If you have any requests please message me. Bye!

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