Daniel Seavey Imagine For Kiara

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*Kiara's P.O.V.*

My boyfriend Daniel has been on tour for a couple months now and I miss him like crazy. I was looking through our pictures when I hear my phone go off. I go to grab it when I see I have a text from Jack. 

Jack(Ramen Noodles)~ Hey Kiara! You got a minute?

Kiara~ Yeah what's up

Jack(Ramen Noodles)~ I was wondering if maybe you would want to fly out here to our show to surprise Daniel. 

Kiara~ Are you serious? :)

Jack(Ramen Noodles)~ Yeah I could fly you out and you can surprise all the boys :)

Kiara~ Sounds great! Which show?

Jack(Ramen Noodles)~ The one tomorrow?

Kiara~ Sounds good! See you guys tomorrow!

Jack(Ramen Noodles)~ Bye!

I put my phone down and book the nearest flight. I pack my bag, take a shower and hop into bed. 

*Next Morning*

I'm currently getting ready for my flight when I get a text from Daniel. 

Danny❣️~Morning Babe😘😍

Kiara~ Morning love😘❤️️

Danny❣️~ I miss you so much 😩

Kiara~ I miss you too!!! 😩

Me and Daniel talk for a while when I get in my uber to go to the airport. We talk for about an hour until I tell him I have to run an errand. I get on my plane since I only had my one bag and head to there show.

*Plane landed*

I text Jack telling him that I landed. He texted back with the details of my uber and I head to their venue. Jack said they are doing rehearsals right now so this outta be fun.

I get to the venue and I thank the driver. I walk inside to the boys on stage. Security sneaks me backstage and lead me to their dressing room. I sit on the couch waiting and I post on social media. "Surprise 😉😊" with a selfie. All the comments are confused.I put my phone down and examine the room. It was a pretty nice room. 

I wait a couple more minutes until I hear the door open. I look to see Jack and Zach walk in. "Kiara you made it" Jack says greeting me with a hug. "I did" I say hugging him back. "Hey Kiara what are you doing here? Not that I'm glad to see you it's just... well just curious" Zach says hugging me as well. "I came to surprise Daniel" I say as separate. "Ohh that makes sense" Zach laughs. "So where are the rest of the boys" I ask them. "David wanted to talk to them" Jack says. (David is there manager). "Oh okay" I say sitting back down. We talk for a little bit until we hear the others boys by the door. I see Corbyn walk in as we both give each other a hug and we wait for Jonah and Daniel. Jonah walks in surprise to see me and I see Daniel outside the door still talking to David. Me and Jonah greet each other as we wait for Daniel. About 10 seconds later, Daniel walks in and he see's me. "KIARA" he yells giving me tight. "HI DANNY" I yell back hug him back. "What are doing here" he says still hugging me. "I came to surprise you" I say into his neck. "It was actually Jack's idea" I say as he puts me down. "Really" He smiles. "Yeah" I say as we hold hands. "Bro thank you so much" Daniel says giving Jack a bro hug. "No problem bro, I know how much she means to you" Jack says back. Me and the boys talk for a while until the boys have to do there show.

*After Show*

"You guys were so good!!" I say to the boys as I give Daniel a hug. "Thank you!" they all say back. "Do ya'll want to go eat dinner" Jonah asks. "I'm down" I say. All the boys agree and we head to a restaurant. 

We enjoyed dinner and have a great time. "I love you so much" Daniel says as we get into our hotel room. "I love you more" I say giving him a kiss. Daniel deepens the kiss until we hear Jack walk in. The boys have to share rooms so we had to separate. We say goodnight and go to sleep. I'm glad I surprised him. 

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this imagine. This one is for @KiaraPaz8 so I hope you enjoyed it as well. Bye!

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