Daniel Seavey Imagine For Kaila

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*Kaila's P.O.V*

I wake up early to the sound of my phone going off. I look a phone as the times reads "6:30 am." I sigh and I read my messages. They are from my boyfriend Daniel.

Danny😋💕~ I know you won't see this until you wake up but I just wanted to tell you how much I love you. I love you to the moon and back and I don't know what I would do without you. You literally mean the world to me and I don't know what I would do without you. You've been here for me through the ups and downs and you've helped me through it all. I love you so freaking much you can't even imagine it. I give you All My Love and you do the same. I don't know what I did to deserve you and I pray to god that I get to stay being yours. 

Danny😋💕~ Also tomorrow when you see this, I'm taking you on an adventure so get ready before 1pm. Wear something casual. Nothing fancy 😃

Kaila~ Omg Danny that made my morning😩❤️️❤️️ I love you so much!! Okay I'll get ready now 😚😉😉

I put my phone down and walk downstairs to make myself breakfast. 

After I make breakfast, I go back upstairs and take a shower. 

When I get out of my shower, I dry off and pick out what I am going to wear. I grab a pair of nike leggings and this time.

I dry my hair off and and get everything I need to get done

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I dry my hair off and and get everything I need to get done.

It's about 12:50 when I get a text from Daniel.

Danny😋💕~  Be there in 10 minutes 😉

Kaila~ I'll be waiting 😚😉

10 minutes later, Daniel arrives to my house and we both head to this hiking place. We get to the place and start walking. When we get to the top and I see Corbyn standing there. "What's going on" I ask confused but with a smile still on my face. "I had Corbyn helped me out with a little picnic for you" Daniel smiles. "Awww thank you guys" I say hugging Daniel and smiling. I thank Corbyn and me and Daniel have our picnic and later on go to a amusement park. We go on most of the rides and play most of the games. Daniel asks if he could stay the night and of course I say yes. We watch movies all night and end up falling asleep on the couch while watching Wet Side Story.

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this imagine. This one is for one of my greatest friends  @KailaMC19 so I hope you enjoyed it as well. Bye!

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