Daniel Seavey imagine for Chloe

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This imagine is for Chloelovesbands so I hope you all enjoy.
*Chloe's P.O.V.*
I am currently on FaceTime with my boyfriend Daniel who has been on tour for 6 months.
"Daniel I miss you so much" I say into the phone. "I miss you too sweetheart" Daniel says to me. "I wish you would come home already" I say making a pouty face. Daniel makes the same face as me making me laugh. "Don't worry, I"ll be home soon" Daniel says to me with a smile. "I know, well I gotta go I will talk to you tonight" I say. We both say our goodbyes and hang up.

*Daniel's P.O.V.*
I had just hung up with Chloe on FaceTime. What she doesn't know is that I'm about to get on a flight to go see her. Our tour ended early so it was the perfect surprise.
*Skip to landing*
I had just gotten off the plane and am currently in an uber on my way to see Chloe. Man am I really excited to see her. I just arrived to Chloe's house and am about to surprise her.
*Chloe's P.O.V*
I had just finished cleaning my house when I hear my door opening. The only person I know who has a key to my house is Daniel but he's on tour. I hid behind the stairs, just in case.
I look to see Daniel walking in. "DANIEL" I scream running into his arms. "What are you doing here" I say in his arms. "The tour ended early so I decided to surprise you" Daniel says to me.
The rest of the night was all about cuddles, kisses and movie marathons.This was the greatest surprise I ever had.  I'm so glad I have my Daniel back.

I hope you guy's enjoyed this imagine! If you have any suggestions or request leave me a message or a comment. :)

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