Pranking him

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Zach~ You and Zach prank each other on the daily. You have a lot of fun and this morning you were going to prank him in the best way. You were gonna put a wax his leg. I know it sounds evil but at the end of the day it's all a bunch of jokes. 
You wake up before him and head to the bathroom where you kept the wax strips. You warm them up and open them slowly (I think that's how you do it 
😂 ). You want into the room you two share and slowly take the blanket off. You look at him sleeping peacefully. You kind of start to feel bad but you still continue with your plan. This was your revenge prank since the last prank he did on you was a break up prank. You carefully stick the wax strip on his leg. He moves a little bit. You get them fully on and go up to his face. You stroke my hands through his hair and he still doesn't wake up. You kiss his cheek and nothing. You grab the wax strip and pull it off really fast. He shoots up in pain and you start laughing. "WHY??" he yells. "That's payback for the break up prank" you say walking towards him. He leans back on the bed and starts laughing. He gets up again and grabs you. You start laughing again as he just holds you. "Now I have to plan my revenge" he laughs. "Bring it on" you say.

(This idea is inspired by @FangirlNayelie) Jack~  You were going to prank Jack making him think you  "fell down the stairs". You decided to prank him because why the heck not. You knew that he was in the kitchen which was far away from the stairs. You put fake blood at the end of the stairs and start to get nervous. You take a breathe in and walk up and stairs. You fake scream and make some loud noises. You position yourself and lay on the ground. (I'm laughing while I write this idk why lmao)  You here footsteps running toward you. "Y/n? Y/n walk up?" you hear Jack say. You try your best not to laugh. "Omg" you hear him say as he gets up to call 911. You look up to see him run to the kitchen. You casually get up and walk towards him. You see him panicking trying to unlock his phone. "What you doing" you ask him as if nothing happen. "Y/n oh my god" he says pulling you into a tight hug. You start laughing "did you really think I fell for real" you say to him. "Yes!" he says. You clean up the mess you made at the stairs and you and Jack cuddle for the rest of the night. 

(Inspired by @Bella_Ola2001) Jonah~ Today you were going to prank Jonah by making him think  you were going to break up with him. You were quite nervous for this prank because you haven't pranked each other in a while. You set up everything and call him over to the living room. "What's up" he says sitting on the couch. "There is something I need to tell you" you say to him starting to get more nervous. He just looks at you as his eyes start to soften. "I think we should... break up" you say as it kills you inside. "Why" he says with a sad look. "I just think it's time" you say trying to come up with something. "What do you mean 'it's time'! We're perfectly fine! I don't get why you want to break up" he says as his eyes get red. You just look at feeling guilty inside. "You wanna know something" you say to him. "What" he says a little pissed off. "It's just a prank" you say really fast. Jonah sighs really loud and puts his face in his hands. "I'm sorry" you say while laughing. "Why would you do that to me" Jonah says as he laughs. "I felt like pranking you" you say honestly. He just laughs and hugs you. 

(Also inspired by @Bella_Ola2001 ) Corbyn~ Today you were going to do a pregnancy prank on the Bean. You were quiet as you got everything set up. You had bought a pregnancy test and organize it to make it say positive. You set up a camera in the location you were going to tell him which was the living room. You turn on the camera and grab the test and put it in your back pocket. You figured this was the perfect to prank him since you haven't gotten him in a while. 
You call him over to the living room and have him sit on the couch. "What do you need to tell me" he asks concerned. "I don't know how to tell you this" you say nervously. "I'm... pregnant" you say trying not to laugh. He looks at you with a blank face. "Are you serious" he asks you. "Yeah" You say trying not to crack a smile. He smiles and starts to get excited. "I can't believe we are going to have a baby" he says looking at you. You started to feel bad. "Corbyn" you say put your hand on his arm. "Yes" he smiles widely. "It's a prank" you say pointing to the camera. You hug straight away and he just puts his head down giving up. "I'm sorryyyy" you say laughing. "I hate you" he says to you. "You love me" you say looking up to him. "You're right" he laughs. 

(Inspired by @NoelMattie ) Daniel~ You were going to play the most awful prank on Daniel. You were going to pretend to break his guitar. You had recently bought a fake replica of his guitar and decided to prank him. You guys have stairs in your house and have a balcony that you can see your living room. You are going to hold the fake one over and 'accidentally' drop it. You go upstairs and grab the replica. You were going to tell him that his stand 'broke' but in reality, it's just the replica. You walk over to the balcony and call Daniel into the living room. "Yeah babe" he says looking up to me. "Your guitar stand broke and I was wondering where you want me to put it" you say putting it over the edge. "Just put it on the bed for now please. We can decide tonight" he smiles."Okay" you say as you 'slip' and drop the guitar off the balcony. You say "ouch" just to make it seem more believable. "Y/n are you okay?" Daniel asks me. "Yeah I just tripped over this table" you say trying to make it sound believable. "Daniel I'm so sorry" you say trying to sound guilty. He sighs. "It's finee" he says sadly. 
After a little time has past you decided to tell Daniel. You run upstairs and grab his real guitar. You run downstairs and yell for Daniel. You place it on the couch and wait for him to walk into the living room. "Yeah" he says still looking sad. "You know how I 'broke' your guitar earlier" you say. "Yeahh" he says getting suspicious. "Well that was a replica, your real one is right here" you say picking up his guitar. "Oh my gosh" he says starting to laugh. "You know I would always be careful with your guitar right" you say smiling up at him. "I know" he says giving you a kiss. 

I hope you all enjoyed these little prank imagines! 

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