Jonah Marais Imagine For Tori

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*Jonah's P.O.V.*

I'm currently on my way to my girlfriend Melissa's house and she has no idea that I'm coming. I've been out of town for a while so i'm going to surprise her. I pull up to her driveway and park my car. I get out of my car and walk inside. I see she's not in the living room so I go to check upstairs in her room. As I get up to her room I hear heavy breathing. I open her door to see her making out with another dude. "Melissa what the hell" I yell as she and the other break apart. "Jonah it's not what it looks like" she tries to say. "OH yeah because it looks like you were making with some dude. Tell me what I didn't see" I yell angrily. They just stand there silent. I punch her wall leaving a big hole in it and storm out. I see a picture of us downstairs so I grab it and throw it at her Tv. I get in my car and drive away pissed off. I call my best friend Tori.She has always been there for whenever I needed her so I know she'll help me.

*Start Of Call*


J~Tori can I come over?

T~ Yeah of course! Is anything wrong?

J~Yeah that's why I need to see you

T~Well get over here and I'll help you

*End Of Call*

I continue to drive and I arrive to her house. I park my car and head inside her house. I walk in to see her on the couch. "Jonah what happened" she asks me worriedly. "Melissa was cheating on me" I say as I go to hug her. "Oh Jonah I'm so sorry" she says to comfort me. 

*Tori's P.O.V.*

I comfort Jonah for a while. I can't believe that Melissa would actually cheat on Jonah. Who would want to? Jonah is the most amazing guy I know. What I do know now is that I was Made For comforting him right now and who knows? Maybe in the future he'll ask me to be his. Yes I do like Jonah but Nobody Gotta Know.  

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this imagine. Sadly I couldn't find the person's comment who requested this but Tori, I hope you enjoyed this as well. If you have any request please message me. Bye! #Wattys2017

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