Daniel Seavey Imagine For Jadeen

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*Jadeen's P.O.V.*

I wake up to the sound of my roommate Logan Paul running into my room with a vlog camera. "JADEEN WHAT'S GUCCI" Logan yells at me while pointing his camera at me. "Logan it's 9am wtf" I say getting up. "Come on. Get up and get ready we have something to do today" Logan says as he exits my room. I walk to my bathroom and get ready. I brush my long, curly brown hair and put on some Nike sweatpants over my knee brace on my left knee. I do gymnastics and basketball but the knee brace doesn't stop me. I put on this sweatshirt

 I put on this sweatshirt

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And grab a Nike hat. I put on some black converse (Didn't expect that huh? 😂) I walk out of my room and go into the kitchen. I make myself a little breakfast and join Logan on the couch. "So what are we doing that's so important" I say still a bit tired. "Today me, you, Ayla, Evan, Brendan, Jeff and the WDW boys are going to film and we need to prepare" Logan says looking at me with his phone in his hands. "Sounds fun" I smile. I'm dating Daniel Seavey who is apart of WDW and I haven't seen him in a while since he's been out of town. Everyone knows that we're dating so we can all be open about it. "Oh and also Aspen is going to be there as well" Logan adds in. "Okay" I smile. (If ya'll didn't know, Aspen is the manager's daughter)

Me, Logan, Ayla, Brendan, Evan and Jeff head over to the boys house and we stop by a small restaurant to get smoothies for us and the boys and head start driving again. 

We arrive to the boys house and we all greet each other. When I see Daniel, he runs over to me and gives me a big hug. "Jadeen I've missed you" he says hugging me tight. "I've missed you too" I say to Daniel. Me and Daniel hug for a while until we have to film. "Alright Logan what's this video about" I ask him. "Well this video will have two parts. One part for my channel and one for yours" Logan says as I nod. "The video is going to be about how we all have to separate into groups and we have to see which group wins" Logan states. "What are we competing" Daniel asks. "This video is about how each group have to compete in who knows more." Logan says.(A.N. I know this doesn't sound like something Logan would do but just play along) "Sounds fun" I say as everyone else nods. We split up into groups and plan. 

Me, Daniel and Logan are in a group, Evan, Ayla and Corbyn are in a group, Jonah, Jeff and Brendan are in a group, Zach, Jack and Aspen are in group. 

*After The Game B/C I Can't Think Of An Idea*

"AYY THE SAVAGE SQUAD WON" Logan yells as me and Daniel cheer on the side. The other teams just sigh and me, Logan and Daniel have a little celebration.

After a while, we all chill out in the boys living room for the rest of the night. Me and Daniel cuddle on the couch for the rest of the night.

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this imagine. This one is for JadeenClemmons so I hope you enjoyed it as well. Bye!

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