Daniel Seavey Imagine For Maryam

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Maryam's P.O.V.  
I'm currently waiting on the couch waiting for Daniel to come home. Lately, we've been fighting a lot because he's never home early like he usually was. Before he would come home around 7:00pm but now he's been coming home around 11:30pm to 12:00am. It's currently 10:30 and I get a text from Daniel.
*Start Of Text*
D~Hey Maryam. I won't be coming home tonight. Just letting you know
M~Why not? Where are you going
*End Of Text*
I get up off the couch and head to our room. I grab my luggage from the closet and start to pack my stuff. I've had enough of Daniel not giving me reasons and not being home. I go to twitter and tweet 'I've had enough' and 'I'm done.' I put the luggage in my car and quickly head back inside. I write Daniel and note and head back to my car. I get in the driver's seat and send Daniel a text.
*The Text*
 'When you get home check the coffee table and then go to our room'
I put away my phone and start driving. I'm going to one of good friends house. Luckily she just moved so Daniel doesn't know where she lives. 
*After Arriving To Friends House*
"Thank you so much for letting me stay here" I say to y/f/n. "No problem" Y/f/n says smiling. I open up my phone and see texts from Daniel.
*The Texts*
D~Where are you? Please come back?
D~Maryam please?
I feel bad but I can't take it anymore. This has been going on for 4 months. I put my phone away and head up to the room y/f/n is letting me stay in. I get my PJ's from my bag and go to bed. 

*The Next Day*
I wake up and get ready in the bathroom. I change into(Picture down below)

I grab my phone and head downstairs

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I grab my phone and head downstairs. "Hey Maryam" y/f/n says to me. "Hey" I say not in the best mood. "How are you feeling" y/f/n asks worriedly. "Not that great" I say sitting on the chair near the counter top. "Well today I'm going to take you out" y/f/n says. "Thanks but I'm not in the mood" I say getting up and grabbing a drink from the fridge. "Well if you change your mind let me know" y/f/n says. "Okay. I'm going back up to the room, I'll see you later" I say getting back up the stairs. I lay in bed and go on twitter. I see Daniel posted a couple times. 
*The Tweets*
'I just lost the best thing that ever happened to me :('
'How could I be so stupid?'
'I let the best thing that ever happened to me by not telling the truth'
'I should have told her'
I start to cry and put my phone down on the nightstand. M
Minutes later I get a text. I pick up my phone and see it's from Jonah.
*The Text*
J~Hey Maryam. When are you going back to Daniel?
M~I don't know Jonah
J~Well you better soon because he's miserable right now
M~How do you think I feel?
J~I don't blame you
M~ I just wish I had a reason why
J~ Maryam the reason he's been coming home late and hasn't been talking to you lately is because we've been working on our album and planning tour dates and also he's been trying to get you a way to go visit your family back in w/y/f(where you're from).
J~Yeah seriously
M~I feel so stupid...
J~ Don't because Daniel should have told you in the first place tbh
M~Thanks Jonah. Do you know where he is right now?
J~Yeah he's right here in your guy's house. I'm watching him and he's crying so hard.
M~Same here. I'm on my way. Don't tell him i'm coming though
J~Okay and please hurry up
*End of conversation*
I grab my phone and keys and tell y/f/n where I'm going. She wishes me good luck and I head to my car. I look in the drivers mirror and see the tear stains. 

I arrive to mine and Daniels house and walk in. I see Corbyn and Zach in the living room. Corbyn stands up and gives me a hug. I hug him back continuing to cry. Seconds later, Zach joins. "Where's Daniel" I ask them. "He's upstairs" Corbyn says pointing to our room. I mouth thank you to Corbyn and head to my room. I slowly open the door and see Jonah and Jack look up at me. Jack comes over and gives me hug. I hug him back and then he walks out to join Corbyn and Zach. I mouth thank you to Jonah and hug him. He hugs me back and heads downstairs. I look at Daniel who is cuddled up in the blankets. I start crying even more. "Daniel?" I say as my voice cracked. "Maryam?" Daniel says immediately shooting up from the blankets. He looks at me and jumps up and hugs me tight. I bury my face into his neck and hug him tight as well. "Maryam I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I'm sorry I ignored you for 4 months" Daniel says having a hard time talking through the tears. "I'm sorry I didn't wait and that I left. I feel terrible" I say hugging him. "Don't. It's not your fault" Daniel says wiping the tears off of my face. 

*An Hour Later*

Me and Daniel have been talking for about an hour now. I still feel terrible for what I did but Daniel feels the same way.  I'm just thankful he forgave me. :)

Hey guy's! I hope you enjoyed this imagine. This one was for @MaryamJosef98 so I hope you enjoyed this as well. I'll see you guys in the next Imagine. Bye!

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