Jack Avery Imagine For Jenna

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*Jenna's P.O.V.*

Today me and my two brothers Logan Paul and Jake Paul are hanging out and having a chill day. I'm really close to my brothers so it'll be fun to hang out with them. 

"Hey guys. I was thinking we could hang out with the Why Don't We boys today and go to the amusement park" Logan offers. Me and Jake agree and we get ready.

I change into (outfit above) and I wait for my brothers to get ready

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I change into (outfit above) and I wait for my brothers to get ready. After they get ready, we get in Logan's car and I call shotgun. "So Logan are we meeting the guys at the park or..?" I ask Logan as we start to drive. "We're meeting them their" Logan says as he keeps his eyes on the road. I've met the boys a couple times before when Logan was filming videos for them. Logan, Jake and I all lip sync to our favorite songs in the car until we get their.

When we arrive, we find the boys and enter the park.

*After The Park*

"Hey why don't you guys come over to our house and we can have a sleepover" Jonah offers. "Yeah that sounds fun" I say agreeing to go. "Sorry boys but me and Jake have to edit tonight" Logan says as Jake nods. "So just Jenna then" Jack says smiling. "Yes but don't get any ideas. If you touch her I swear me and Jake will come after you" Logan and Jake say looking over Jack. "Alright calm down guys" I say laughing. I say goodbye to my brothers and I take a ride back to the WDW boys house with Jack since we couldn't get a car that could fit all of us. "So Jenna are your brothers always protective like that" Jack laughs. "Yeah and sometimes it gets annoying" I say sighing. "How come?" Jack asks me. "Well it's very difficult for me to get a boyfriend since Logan won't let ANYONE touch me" I say emphasising anyone. "Well I think any guy would be happy to be with you no matter what kind of brothers you have" Jack smiles. "You think so" I say smiling. "Of course! I would date you" Jack says grabbing my hand. "Really" I say accepting his hand. "Yeah.. I'm just scared to ask you out because of what Logan might do to me" Jack laughs. We talk the rest of the until we get to the house.

*Night Time*

"So where am I sleeping" I ask the boys. "You can sleep in Jack's room" Corbyn offers. "Where will Jack sleep" I say looking at Jack. "I'll just bunk with Daniel" Jack states looking at Daniel and then back at me. I just nod and we all head to bed. 

Late at night I go downstairs to go get something to drink. When I enter the kitchen, I see Jack sitting on one of the chairs half asleep. "Jack what are you doing down here" I ask Jack as I grabbed a water. "I couldn't sleep because of Daniel's snoring" Jack says looking like he was about to fall asleep right then and their. "Why don't you come upstairs with me. I don't mind" I offer Jack. "You sure" Jack asks waking up a little bit. "Yeah c'mon" I say grabbing Jack's arm. 

We get upstairs and we crawl into bed. "Jack you know how you said earlier how you would take me out if it wasn't for my brother's" I say looking at Jack. "Yeah" he says turned to me. "Well they're not here..." I say but get cut off my Jack kissing. We deepen the kiss while I get on top of him. One thing lend to another and well, I don't think ya'll need details. 

*Day's Later*

Lately I've been getting sick and I don't know why. I'm currently staying with Logan so that doesn't help either with him being all loud. I try to think of what could have made me sick until I realize. I quickly head to the nearest pharmacy and buy a couple pregnancy tests. I pay for them and head back to Logan's apartment. 

I'm currently waiting for the test to show up and in the meanwhile I pace back and forth praying. Around 5 minutes later, I look at them and see that they are positive. I try to calm myself but I get more worried when I realize that I have to tell Logan and Jake what happened. I get myself together, grab the tests and find Logan. "Logan I need to talk to you" I say worriedly with the test behind me. "What is it" Logan says putting his full attention on me. "Logan do you remember when I went to the boys house" I say putting the tests in my back pocket so my hands are free. "Yeahh" Logan says getting suspicious. "Well..." I say as I explain everything to him. "I'm going to kill him" Logan says getting angry. "No Logan, you are not going to do anything. It was also my fault because I let him. So don't" I say admitting my mistake. He exits his room and punches his door. "Logan will you please calm down" I say following him. "How can I calm down! He got you pregnant!" Logan says pissed off. "Logan it's my fault. Don't worry I'll take care of it by myself" I say to calm Logan. "No you won't. Jenna I'm always here for you and I'll you" Logan says while giving me a hug. 

We talk it out and then we head over to the boys house to explain everything. Jack agreed to help take care of him/her. I'm glad everything is settled and that Logan didn't kill Jack. 

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this imagine. This one is for @RexAvery so I hope you enjoyed it as well. If you have any request feel free to message me. Bye!

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