Jack Avery Imagine For Lara

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*Lara's P.O.V.*

I am currently on my way to go surprise my boyfriend Jack Avery who is currently in LA. I live in y/s/n (your state name) and we hardly see each other.

I get to the airport and do all the stuff I have to do and wait for my plane to board. '

I get on the !plane and Jack texts me.

*Start Of Conversation*

J~Hey babe what are you doing right now"

I had to think of something quick

L~I'm going to the store. Wbu?

J~ Nothing much. Just at home doing nothing. Thinking about you 😘😉

L~ Awww baby 😘 I can't stop thinking about you 😘😉

J~ I can't to see you again 😉

L~ Same here 😉

*End Of Conversation*

The plane finally lands and Jonah texts me saying he is at the airport.

"Hey Jonah!" I say as I get in his car. "Hey Lara! How have you been" he asks me. "I've been good. You?" I say putting on my seatbelt. "Could be better. I have to keep hearing Jack about how much he misses you" he sobs. "Really" I laugh/ask. "Yeah you have no idea" Jonah laughs.

We pull up to the house and we sit in the car for a few minutes.

We get out of the car and go through the front door. We close the door quietly and find the boys. We see them in the kitchen but Jack's back is turned to me. The boys look at me and then back at Jack. "Sooo Jack how much do you miss Lara" Daniel says smiling at me and then back at Jack. "Bro I miss her so much you don't even know" Jack says facepalming. "I just wish I could hug her right now" Jack say. I look at all the boys and sneak up behind him. I hug Jack from the back and say "You can hug me now" as I smile. He turns around shock and yells "LARA WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" in joy. "I came here to surprise you" I say as we hug. "This is the best surprise I ever had" Jack says as he hugs me tight.

We all chill in the living room and all of the rest of the boys go to bed at around 11:30 and me and Jack cuddle on the couch. "I'm really glad you came here to surprise me" Jack says looking down at me. "I'm surprise that I didn't tell you" I say knowing that I can't keep secrets. "How did you get it from me" Jack laughs. "I don't even know" I laugh.

We stay up for a while until we decide to head to bed. "Lara how long are you here for" Jack asks me as we get into bed. "For a week" I say as I put the covers over me. "Well we're going to make the most of it" Jack says putting his arms around. He pulls me into his chest and we fall asleep.

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this imagine. This one is for @Belieberforlife551 so I hope you enjoyed this as well. If you have any requests please comment below or message me. Bye!

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