Jack Avery Imagine For Valeria

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*Valeria's P.O.V.*

I'm currently hanging out with my best friend Logan Paul. "Valeria, I'm going to head to the store really quick do you need anything" Logan asks me. "No I'm good thank you" I say back. "Alright I'll be back really quick. Can you watch Kong for me please" Logan asks me. "Yeah of course. See ya later" I say as I get up to go watch Kong. 

*Logan's P.O.V.*

I told my best friend Valeria that I was going to the store but the truth is I'm plotting a prank on her. I'm grouping up with the Why Don't We boys so this is going to be fun. I meet them downstairs in the lobby and we start planning. "Alright so what I want to do it have her outside so we don't get the inside dirty and then I'll go in and act like everything's normal and then I'll have you guys come in dressed in black and have fake guns" I say to the boys. "Sounds good" Jack says. 

*Start Of The Prank*

"Alright I'm going to head in, wait 1 minute and then burst in" I say to the boys. They all nod their heads and I head in. "Hey Valeria" I say as I walk in. "Hey Logan" she says petting Kong. I walk over to her and I hear the boys about to come in. "So I was thinkin-" I was cut off by the boys running in. "EVERYONE GET DOWN" I can tell Jonah says as he is the tallest. I pretend to act scared and I notice that Valeria grabs Kong and gets behind me. "STEP AWAY FROM THE GIRL" Zach says as I look at Valeria. I could see the fright in her eyes and she looks at me. She looked me in the eyes but I just looked away. For some reason she can always tell when I'm pranking her just by looking in my eyes. I look at her again and I see her stand up. "Logan Paul is this a prank" Valeria stands up with Kong. "NO WHY WOULD I PRANK YOU LIKE THIS" I say seriously. I see her look at me and then at the boys. She walks over to the boys and I see she's looking at Jack. She grabs his fake gun and pulls off his mask. "Nice try Logan" she laughs. "God Dammit how do you always know" I say sadly. "Well 1. I saw the camera 2. They didn't act really enough and 3. I can always tell when you're lying" she says looking at me. "Oh well that was a fail guys" I say looking at my camera. "Well Valeria these are the Why Don't We boys. This is Jonah, Corbyn, Daniel, Jack and Zach" I introduce them to her. I see she's looking at Jack the most. "So let's all sit outside and get to know each other better" I say getting in between them. They all laugh and we go outside.

*Hours Later~Valeria's P.O.V.*

I head back inside since I was getting bored being the only girl out there with the boys. As I enter inside, I head to the kitchen and try kind something to eat. As I was looking in the fridge, I hear someone come inside. I look to see Jack. "Hey Valeria" he smiles as he walks towards me. "Hey Jack" I smile as I look at him. "I told Logan that I wanted something to drink but I actually came in here to talk to you" he admits to me. "Oh?" I say still having the fridge open. "I was wondering if you would like to go out with me sometime" he smiles but seems nervous. "Yeah I would love too" I say smiling at him. "Cool then it's a date" he smiles. "I guess it is" I smile.  I grab me and Jack a water and we both head back on the balcony. 

*After The Boys Leave*

We say goodbye to the guys and I go to sit on the couch. "Valeria I need to talk to you" Logan says sitting next to me. "Sure what about?" I ask him muting the tv. "I wanted to talk to you about Jack" he says calmly. "What about him" I ask him. "I want to know what happened when he came in here and started talking to you" Logan says looking at me. "He asked me on a date" I smile. "And what did you say" Logan says leaning forward. "I said yes" I smile. "Alright. Just one more thing. If he ever breaks your heart in anyway. You come to me and I'll beat his a** for you" Logan offers. I laugh and say "Thanks Logan" I say as I get up to hug him. Me and Logan hang out for the rest of the night and all I could think about is Jack.

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this imagine. This one is for @valgal2001 so I hope you enjoyed it as well. If you have a request please feel free to message me. Bye!

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