Jack Avery imagine for Selena

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This imagine is forscoobingtrash so  I hope you enjoy. :)

*Selena's P.O.V.*
Me and Jack have been boyfriend and girlfriend for a couple months now and today we're finally going to tell the rest of his bandmates. Jack had just texted me saying he is on his way to come pick me up. I've never felt so nervous.

*Jack's P.O.V.*
I am currently on my way to go pick up Selena. Man am I nervous as ever. Me and Selena have been dating for a couple months but we haven't told my bandmates yet. So I wonder how they will react.As I walk into Selena's house I yell "HEY LOVE"! So she could hear me from upstairs. "Hey sweetheart" Selena says coming down the stairs. "Are you ready to go" I say to her while making a nervous smile. "Yeah let me just grab my phone" Selena says while walking to coffee table grabbing her phone. "Let's go" she says nervous. The whole car ride was filled with Selena and I discussing how we are going to tell them. As we arrived to our house I tell Selena to seat on the couch and to go from there. We walk into the house and Selena goes straight to the couch. "HEY GUYS CAN YOU COME DOWN HERE PLEASE" I yell so they could hear me from upstairs. "Hey Jack, hey Selena" Corbyn says to me and Selena. "Uh me and Jack have something to tell you guys" Selena says looking at me with nervous eyes. All the boys look nervous while they sit down. "Me and Selena have been dating for a couple months now"I say looking at them, then back at Selena. "Are you serious" Jonah asked. "Yeah" Selena answers. There was a moment of silence when all of a sudden me and Selena were both startled by the cheering of the rest of the boys. "Do you know how long we have been waiting to hear that" Zach says to us. Me and Selena both look at each other and smile. The rest of the night was spent with me, Selena and the boys having dinner at home.

I hope you all enjoyed this imagine. Again this imagine is for scoobingtrash so I hope you enjoyed this as well. Also leave me any suggestions or request in the comments! :)

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