Jonah Marais Imagine

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*Y/n's P.O.V.*

Today, I have no plans for anything so I'm just chilling at home. Around 5 minutes later I get a phone call from my boyfriend Jonah. 


"Hey Y/n I was wondering if you would like to go on a little lake date today" 

"I would love to Jonah. What time do you want me to be ready" I ask him. 

"Around 1" He tells me. 

"Alright I'll see you then" I say smiling. 

"Bye I love you!" He says to me. 

"I love you too" I say as I hang up the phone. I head upstairs and change into something more appropriate for the lake.  

After I change, I wait for Jonah to come pick me up

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After I change, I wait for Jonah to come pick me up. 

*10 Minutes later*

I look out my window to see Jonah's car in my driveway. I grab my phone and bag/purse and head out the door. I get in his car and we greet each other. I give him a kiss and we talk the whole ride there. 

We get there and I see this.

We get there and I see this

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I smile up at Jonah and say "You did all of this for me" as I smile. "Of course baby" he tells me. I give him a kiss and he helps me get on the little boat. We have a mini picnic in the boat. 

When me and Jonah return back to my place we have a movie night and he ends up falling asleep in my arms. I had the best day on lake with him. ;)

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't written/uploaded anything in two days. I've been trying to get everything ready for my second book which is coming out soon and working on my YouTube channel. But don't worry this book will still continue. I will see ya'll in the next imagine. Bye!

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