Zach Herron Imagine

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Yo I am on a role with these imagines. Hope you all enjoy this one! :)
*Zach's P.O.V.*
Today my girlfriend Y/N invited me to her house to film a YouTube video for her channel. I haven't been on her channel in such a long time. Actually before we started dating was the first time I went on her YouTube channel. Wow that's crazy. I arrive to Y/N's house and walk in freely because she said I could. I walk upstairs and head to her room. "Hey sweetheart, you ready shoot the video" I say to her as I walk into her room. "Yep I just finished setting up the camera" Y/N says to me while sitting down at her desk where she films all her videos. I grab the rolling chair right next to her desk and pull it right besides her. "What's up guys welcome to my YouTube channel and today we have a very special guest here today and he is my boyfriend Zach Herron" Y/N says into her camera. "Hey y/yt/f/n (Your YouTube family name)" I also say into her camera. "Today me and Zach are doing the boyfriend vs. girlfriend challenge and Zach do you want to explain how it goes" Y/N ask looking at me. "Sure basically me and her ask each other question's that we should both know about each other and the loser of this challenge has to get a tub full of ice water dumped on them" I say while leaning my head on Y/N's head.
*Skip to the end of challenge*
"So the loser of this challenge is Zach because he got 1 question wrong so we have to head outside now" Y/N says into her camera because grabbing it off the tripod and walking outside. Y/N walks over to the bags of ice she got and puts it in a huge tub and fills it with water. She sets up her camera and tells me to stand right in front of the pool. What she doesn't know is that I'm going to grab her and jump into the pool with her in my arms. "Okay guys I'm just about to dump the ice cold water onto Zach so here we go" Y/N says while walking over to me. "3 2 1" Y/N says just before dumping the water on top of my head. I quickly grab her and jump into the pool. Y/N screams just before we hit the water. "ZACH" Y/N yells at me pulling the hairs out of her face. We both start laughing. "Okay guys that's it for this video, if you enjoyed make sure to give it a big thumbs and subscribe. Oh and if you have ideas on how to get Zach back please leave them in the comment's below. Bye!" Y/N yells to her camera. "I'm totally getting you back for that" Y/n says while splashing me with water. "Oh I know you will. Prank wars?" I say. "Prank wars" Y/n states. By far the best day ever.

Here is another Zach imagine for you guys. If you enjoyed leave me a comment and also if you have any request or suggestion feel free to message me or leave a comment as well. Bye! :)

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