Jack Avery Imagine For Emily

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*Emily's P.O.V.*

Today my boyfriend Jack are going to visit his family. This is my first time meeting them so I'm pretty nervous. I'm currently wearing

We get on our flight to Pennsylvania and I grip tight on Jack's hand

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We get on our flight to Pennsylvania and I grip tight on Jack's hand. "Jack what if they don't like me" I say to Jack pretty nervous. "They are going to love you Emily. Trust me! My Mom always talks about how excited she is to meet you" Jack tells me. "Really" I say leaning my head back. "Yeah. Isla also wants to meet you" he laughs. I smile and we prepare for take off. 

Our plane lands and we grab our bags. We drive to Jack's family's house and before Jack could open his door I stop him. "Wait" I say putting my hand on his. "Baby don't worry you'll be fine" Jack says rubbing his thumb on my hand. I nod my head and get out of the car. I grab my purse and bag and we head inside. 

"Hey Mom" Jack yells as we walk through the door. "Hi Jack" she yells as she runs to Jack. "And you must be Emily. It's so nice to finally meet you in person" she says as she gives me a hug. "Nice to finally meet you too Mrs. Stanford" I say giving her a hug. "You must meet Jack's sisters" she says grabbing my hand and leading me to the living room. "Girls this is Emily Jack's girlfriend" Kristin (Jack's Mom's Name) says to his sisters. "Emily this is Ava, Isla and Sydnie" she says pointing to each one. "Nice to meet you all" I say giving them each a hug. We all sit down on the couches and talk for a while

Later on, Kristin prepares for dinner and I help her. We get along really well and she makes me feel like family. 

We finish making dinner and we all sit down at the dinner table. We talk and laugh and enjoyed our meal. We all sit down on the couch and watch a movie. 

After the movie is over, I look over to see Isla asleep. "Emily do you want to put Isla to bed" Kristin asks me. "I would love to" I say getting up and slowly picking her up. "I'll show you her room" Jack says getting up with me. We walk up the stairs and Jack leads me to her room. I place her on her bed and put the covers over her. "She's so cute" I say to Jack. "She really is" Jack laughs. We leave her room and Jack stops me in the hallway. "What do you think of my family" he says putting his hands on my hips while I wrap my arms around his neck. "I love them" I say looking up at him. "Now it's time for me to meet your family" he smiles. "That will be soon" I laugh as I smile at him. He gives me a kiss and we go to tell Kristin we're going to bed. We wish them all a goodnight and head to our room. We cuddle into bed and Jack gives me a kiss. "I love you" he says to me. "I love you too" I smile as I cuddle into his chest. 

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this imagine. This one is for @noodlehead_jack so I hope you enjoyed it as well. Bye!

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