Daniel imagine

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In this imagine you are a youtuber and you're also the Why Don't We boy's neighbor. (This may be a long one.) Enjoy :)
*Y/N P.O.V.*
"What's up guys welcome to my youtube channel! Today's video is going to be 'Smash or Pass' and if you never heard of that it basically means you say if you want to smash someone or pass. So here we go" I say into my camera. "I'm going to be naming off people you guys sent me on Twitter so the first one is, 'would you smash or pass Jake Paul? Pass. Mark Dohner? Pass. Would you smash or pass Daniel Seavey" I pause for a second because he was my neighbor and I had a crush on him so I had to think about it. Maybe he won't even this. "I would smash Daniel Seavey" I say smiling and looking out my window since his room is right across from mine. I see him in his room with his friends Jack, Jonah, Corbyn and Zach. I look back at my phone and continue filming. When I finish filming, I put my shoes on and head downstairs. I grab my keys and head for my car. I'm heading to the mall since I need new summer stuff. When I get to the mall I see a car that looks familiar. I blow it off acting like its nothing and walk into the mall. I'm currently in Forever 21 since it's my favorite store EVER. I buy a few things and head to the food court. When I walk into the food court I see Daniel and his friends. I try to act normal and like I didn't see them. I order a drink at one of the restaurants and try to get out of their as fast as I can. I was just about to walk out when I hear someone yell my name. I knew I was caught when I turned around to see Daniel running over to me. "Hey Y/N" Daniel says to me. "Hey Daniel how are you?" I ask him trying not to sound nervous. "I'm good how about you" he asks me. "I'm great" I say not trying to sound needy. "So I was maybe wondering if you want hang out later at my place, if you're not busy or anything" he ask's me with a smile. "Yeah sure I would love to hang out later" I answer. "Sweet I'll see you later" Daniel says before running back to his friends. I start walking out of the mall when I realized what just happened. Daniel Seavey invited me to he's house. I get in my car and blast Paris by The Chainsmokers because it is my favorite song at the moment.
*Skip to when you're at home*
I put my clothes away and start to edit my video. My friends who I share a house with are out of town so I'm only for a about one week. I'm about to upload it when I hear a knock on my door. I didn't expect anyone at the moment so I look out my window to see who it is. When I check I see Daniel standing by my door. I check myself to see if I look decent. I go to my door and open it. "Hey Daniel" I say a few seconds after opening the door. "Hey Y/N do want to come over right now or is it a bad time" Daniel ask's. I lie and say it's a perfect time even though I have to upload my video. "Yeah I can come over now, let me just get my shoes and phone" I quickly run to get my shoes on and then grab my phone. "Okay let's go" I say while grabbing my keys. When we get to his place there is music playing through out the house. "Something different which is our song is playing right now if you didn't know" Daniel says to me. "It's such a good song" I say to Daniel who's leading me to the couch. "So what do you want to do" Daniel ask's me. "Why don't we get to know each other a little better" I suggest. "That sounds like a good idea" Daniels says. Me and Daniel spent hours asking each other questions and was almost midnight by the we finished. I get home and upload my video. I don't even know what time it was when I fell asleep.
*Next Day*
I wake up around 10 o'clock and get up to go eat breakfast. I make eggs, bacon and toast with a glass of orange juice. I go back upstairs and go get ready for the day. I brush my teeth and my hair and put on shorts and a crop top that says 'California Dreaming' since I live in California. I put on my favorite hat backwards so it keeps my bangs out of my face. I go on my laptop and check the comments on my video I uploaded last night. I see a bunch of people saying they are going to tweet it to Daniel. I start freaking out but hope that he doesn't see it. I check Daniels Twitter and I look at his likes. I see he liked a fans tweet with a link to my video. My heart stops. Daniel saw my video that I said I would smash him. I look out my bedroom window to see Daniel watching something on his phone. Oh god he's probably watching my video I think to myself. I get and try to get out my house as fast as possible. I get in my car and drive off. I order Dominos pizza off my phone and head there. When I get there I pay for my pizza and get out of their. I start to head home hoping Daniel isn't home. When I'm driving down my street, I still see Daniels car in the driveway. I park my car and head inside as fast as possible. When I get inside I put my pizza on the counter of my kitchen and go upstairs to my  room to see if Daniel is in his room. I peek out my window and I see Daniel on his phone. I quickly head back downstairs before he sees me and eat my pizza. When I finish eating I head back upstairs at 9 o'clock and change into my pajamas. I put my hair up in a messy bun and get into bed. I don't go straight to sleep instead I go on my phone. All of a sudden I hear things being thrown at my window. I look up and see Daniel leaning out his window. I get up and open my window. "What are you doing Seavey" I ask him. "I've been waiting to talk to you all day but I couldn't get the chance" he says. I get nervous in my stomach. "What do you want to talk about" I say nervously. "I saw your video this morning" he says to me. "Oh" I say while looking down. "Come outside" Daniel says to me. "Okay" I say while getting up. I meet him outside. "Look I just wanted you to know that I would love to go out with you" Daniel says to me while smiling. "Really" I say with my face lighting up. "Yeah" Daniel says to me while walking closer to me. Tonight was definitely one of the best night of my life.
Hey guys! Hope you all enjoyed this imagine. Didn't expect it to be this long but I still hope you liked it. If you guys have any suggestion's or request leave me a comment or message me. Bye :)

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