Daniel Seavey Imagine For Aziza

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*Aziza's P.O.V.*

Today me and boyfriend Daniel are plotting a prank on our good friend Logan Paul. Logan is like a big brother to me so this is going to be fun. The prank we are playing is a really mean prank but Logan pranked me one by faking his death so this one is going to be my revenge. The prank we are playing on Logan is the kidnap prank. It's where I'm on a phone call with Logan and I act like someone broke into my house and kidnaps me. "Aziza you ready for this prank" Daniel says to me. "Yeah I'm really nervous" I say jumping up and down. "Let's do this" Daniel says handing me my phone. "Let's go" I say trying to get pumped. 

*Phone Call W/Logan* 

L~ Hello?

A~ Hey Logan are you free right now

L~ Yeah you want to come over?

A~ Yeah sure what tim-

L~ Aziza? You okay?

A~ Logan I think someone is trying to break into my house. (*I say in a worried tone)

L~ Are you sure your doors are locked?

A~ Yeah I'm pretty sure. *screams* LOGAN THEY BROKE IN (*I'm such a good actor)

L~ Aziza listen to me. I need you to hide under your bed (*he says calmly)

A~ Okay (I shuffle around a little bit and lay on the ground)

L~ You under your bed?

A~ Yeah 

A~ his in my room (I whisper as Daniel walks towards me)

Me and Daniel countdown from 5 and I scream as Daniel drags me across the floor and leave my phone. We quietly go pick up my phone to hear Logan freaking out. "Logan it was a prank" Daniel laughs. "YOU GUYS SUCK" Logan yells. Me and Daniel burst out laughing. "Hey at least I didn't fake my own death" I say still laughing. We hear him sigh through the phone. "Alright Logan we'll talk to you later" I laugh. "Bye guys" Logan says as I hang up my phone. "We did!" I say giving Daniel a high five. 

*Hours Later*

Me and Daniel are currently on our way to Logan places to hang out. We ring  his bell and we can hear him yell "WHO TF IS AT MY DOOR WHILE I'M VLOGGING." We both laugh as he opens the door. "Oh look Logang it's the couple that pranked me earlier" he says pointing the camera at us. We look at each other and laugh. Logan continues the vlog and we just hang out for the rest of the night. 

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this imagine. This one is for @xxGucciPrincessxx so I hope you enjoyed it as well. If you have a request please message me. Bye!

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