Jonah Marais Imagine For Madison

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*Madison's P.O.V.*

Today is my 18th birthday and it's also my prom day. I wake up at around 5:30 am to get ready for today. I change into normal clothes to head into the hair salon and nail salon.

After I get ready, I grab my purse and I head to the nail salon first

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After I get ready, I grab my purse and I head to the nail salon first.

After I get ready, I grab my purse and I head to the nail salon first

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I get my nails done and head to the hair salon.

After I get my hair done, I head over to my best friends house Jenny so we can do each others makeup

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After I get my hair done, I head over to my best friends house Jenny so we can do each others makeup.

Once I arrive, I park my car in her parents driveway and head inside. I'm aloud to just walked, well because it's my best friend why not. I head up to her room and jump onto her bed. "Yo Jenny" I yell to her since she's in the bathroom. "Madison Happy Birthday!!!" Jenny screams back. "Thank you!!" I yell back.

She exits the bathroom and enters her room. "So are you excited for prom tonight" Jenny asks me as she grabs her makeup bag.  "I'm pretty excited what about you" I ask her back. "I'm so excited especially for you" she winks. "Why won't you tell what it is" I plead to her. "Because it's a surprise" Jenny tells me as she sits on her chair. "Ugh fine" I say getting up to sit across from her so she could do my makeup.

 "Ugh fine" I say getting up to sit across from her so she could do my makeup

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She finishes my makeup and I do her's. Her dress theme is blue so I do her makeup in blue.

 We finish each other's makeup and I head back to my house quickly to grab my dress and head back to Jenny's house

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We finish each other's makeup and I head back to my house quickly to grab my dress and head back to Jenny's house. Once I get back we change into our dresses and take pictures.



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Our parent's take pictures of us and we head to prom

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Our parent's take pictures of us and we head to prom.

When we get to prom, we meet up with all our friends and take pictures.

After pictures, they go off to dance with their dates and I just head to the refreshment table since I don't have a date.

After a while, Jenny comes up to me. "Hey Madison, remember that surprise I was telling you about" Jenny says smirking. "Yeah?" I question. "Well you know Jonah Marais" Jenny asks me knowing that I have a huge celebrity crush on him. "Of course" I say smiling. "Well turn around" Jenny tells me. I turn around to see----

*Jonah's P.O.V.*

Jenny tells Madison to turn around and I'm just standing here so excited. She turns around and she steps back with her hands covering her mouth. "Hi love" I say going in for a hug. She hugs me back and says"Oh my gosh. Hiii." I could tell she was nervous. "What are you doing here" she asks surprised. "Well your friend Jenny message me through Twitter saying you didn't have a prom date and when she showed me your picture I knew I had to come to be your date" I smile. "Aww you guys are awesome" Madison says turning to Jenny and back at me. "Well shall we dance" I say putting my arm out. "We shall" she says reaching for my arm.

We spend the whole night dancing with each other and I really got to know her. I got her number and I think I might like her.

*Madison's P.O.V.*

I still can't believe that Jonah was my date to prom. By far the best birthday/prom day ever.

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this imagine! This one is for Foolsgirl0401 so I hope you enjoyed this as well. If you have any request comment down below or message me. Bye!

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