Corbyn Besson Imagine For Violet

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*Violet's P.O.V.*

Me and my friend Corbyn Besson are currently hanging out at his house when I get a text from my boyfriend telling me to meet him at a party tonight. I don't have the best boyfriend in the world but whatcha gonna do. I text him back okay and continue to talk to Corbyn.

*At The Party*

I'm currently trying to find my boyfriend at this party he told me to come to. I move around people and I ask a few people. "I think he's upstairs" someone tells me. "Okay thanks" I say as I try to find the stairs. 

 When I reach the stairs, I walk up them and look in each room. I see a bunch of couples making out and get disgusted. I finally reach the last room. I start to get a little nervous when I see the door closed. I slowly open the door and see him on a top of another girl. I stand there shocked and I yell "WHAT THE F*CK"  right before I run out of the room. I push through all the people who are intoxicated and rush to my car. I call Corbyn 

Corbean~ Hello?

Violet~ Corbyn can I come over       *I say with tears running down my face

Corbean~ Yeah of course is everything okay       *he asks worriedly. 

Violet~ No everything isn't okay

Corbean~ Alright just get over here so you can tell me what happened.

Violet~ Okay I see you soon

Corbean~ See you in a few. 

I hang up my phone and drive to the boys house. 

When I arrive to their house, I park my car and walk in. I see Corbyn standing right by the stairs. I look at him and break down. He rushes over to me and comforts me. He leads me to the couch and I tell him everything that happened. He comforts me for the rest of the night.

*1 Months Later*

I have gotten over my ex boyfriend and Corbyn told me today that he has something important to tell me. I'm a little nervous but I know it can't be that bad. I get to his place and I walk inside. "Hey Violet what are you doing here" Jonah asks me as he greets me with a hug. "Hi Jonah. Corbyn asked me to come by" I tell him while I hug him back.  "I think he's in his room" he says as I walk upstairs. "Bean!" I yell as I walk into his room. "Oh Violet's here, Zach get out" Corbyn says as he kicks Zach out of there room. "Oh come on!" Zach says walking out. I laugh and say "So what did you want to tell me?" "I was just wondering if you would like to go on a date with me sometime" Corbyn asks me as I can he gets nervous. "Corbyn I would love to" I smile. "Great, I'll text you with the details" he smiles. "Cool" I say sitting down on his bed. We talk for a while  and later we join the boys. I can't wait for my date with Corbyn. 

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this imagine. This one is for @Vhelle17 so I hope you enjoyed it as well. Bye!

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