Jack Avery Imagine for Regan

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Hey guys this imagine is for renicole11 so I hope you enjoy this!
Corbyn's P.O.V.
Today my little sister Regan is coming to the Why Don't We house to spend the week with us. I'm praying that she doesn't fall for one of the guy's because if she does. That's going to be the worse.
Regan's P.O.V.
I am currently on an airplane to fly out to California to stay with my brother and his friends. I kind of excited but I'm kind of not because I feel like i'm going to be the only girl in the house and it will just be awkward. The announcer said that the plane will be landing soon. So I prepare myself.
After the plane lands, I go to the baggage lane and get my luggage. After I get my luggage, I text Corbyn saying that I am ready to go. He said his in the nearest parking lot. I go to the parking lot he told me to and look for him. Minutes later I see Corbyn running towards. "Hey little sister" Corbyn yells before giving me a hug. "Hey big brother. How are you" I say while hugging him back. "I'm good! How are you? How was the flight?" Corbyn asks. "I'm good and the flight was okay" I say since I really don't like flying. "Oh well come on we need to get food and then we'll take you back to the house" Corbyn says. "We'll?" I ask since I only thought Corbyn was picking me up. "OH I forgot to tell you! The rest of the band is here with me! I'll introduce you to them" Corbyn says while pulling me by the arm to the car. "Guy's can you come out here for a second" my brother say's while peering his head into the window. Second's later 4 guy's come out of the two back rows of the car. "Okay Regan, meet Zach, Daniel, Jonah and Jack" he says pointing at each one. My eyes immediately attach to Jack's eyes. Man was he gorgeous. "Hi nice to meet you all" I say trying not to sound awkward. Corbyn notices that I was staring at Jack so he says "Okay let's all get in the car. Regan, you can go in the front seat" pulling me to the front of the car. I get in the front seat and wait for the rest of the boys to get into the car. We go to a restaurant, have lunch and talk for a little bit. After a while of talking Corbyn pulls me to the side and whispers "I see the way you've been looking at Jack and I don't like it." "And why don't you like it?" I asked in a sassy tone. Corbyn was about to say something but got interupted by Jonah who said "Okay guys c'mon we have to get going." Me and Corbyn glare at each other as we walk to the car. When we arrive to the house, Corbyn takes me to my room and says "Like I was saying earlier, I don't want you going out with him" "And why not" I state. "Because I know what he is capable of" Corbyn says looking like he is trying to make excuses. "Look I just want to organize my stuff, so if you don't mind" I say pushing him out of my room and closing the door. I start to look for my Iphone charger and put my hair brush and the rest of my accessories in the bathroom. I was about to grab my pajamas when someone knocks on my door. "Come in" I yell. "Hey Regan" Jack says walking into my room. "Hey Jack" I say putting my stuff down. "You know tomorrow Corbyn, Zach and Jonah are going to the studio and I was thinking maybe me and you could go to the mall tomorrow" Jack ask's stepping towards me. "I would love to but we have to keep it a secret from Corbyn" I say looking out my door. "Yeah okay so I will see you tomorrow around 12" Jack says with a smile. "Yeah that sounds good" I smile back. "Okay well I'll let you get some rest. See you in the morning" Jack states before walking out of my room. "Bye" I say with a little way. I brush my teeth, change into my pajamas and hop into bed. I can wait for the morning.
The next morning
I wake up around 8:30 and head straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I go back to my room and go through my luggage to find an outfit to go to mall with Jack. I find my outfit at the bottom of my luggage.

 I find my outfit at the bottom of my luggage

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I do my hair and put on my outfit. I go on my phone for a couple of minutes before I hear Corbyn call me downstair's. I unplug my phone and go downstairs. "What's up" I say hopping down the stairs. "Where are you going today" Corbyn asks with a confused look. I look at Jack for a second and say "I'm going to walk around Hollywood, see what kind of stores they have." "Oh okay. Well me, Zach and Jonah are going to the studio so be careful. I'll see you later" my brother says before walking out the door with Zach, Jonah and who I believe is their manager. "So are you ready for today" Jack asks looking out the window making sure Corbyn is gone. "Ready for what" Daniel asks butting in. Me and Jack look at each other and sigh. "You have to promise not to tell Corbyn" I say looking at Daniel with a serious face. "Yeah okay I promise so what's going on" Daniel states putting his hand over his heart. "Me and Regan are going on a mall date" Jack says walking towards me. "Can I third wheel" Daniel asks with excitement. Me and Jack look at each other and nod. "Yay okay let me grab my phone and we can go" Daniel says but I add in "Oh hold on I have to grab my bag from my room" Me and Daniel run upstairs grab our stuff and run back downstairs. Me, Jack and Daniel head to the mall. When we arrive to the mall we shop at a couple of stores and then we go to the food court and have lunch. After lunch we shop some more and head back home. When we get home Corbyn, Zach and Jonah aren't home yet so we decided to watch some tv. After a couple of shows I say "Well I'm going to take the stuff I bought and put them away" while walking upstairs. I lay out all the clothes and accessories on my bed and start from the accessories.
After I finish putting stuff away Jack comes into my room. "Hey Regan" "Hey Jack. Thank you so much for taking me to the mall, I had a great time especially with Daniel as our third wheel" I laugh. "You're welcome and so did I" Jack walks closer to me. "Look I know we just met but I have to do this" Jack says pulling me closer. We both lean in and kiss. After a couple seconds of kissing we hear someone burst into the room. We pull apart and see Corbyn standing their angrily. "What the heck! Regan what did I tell you" Corbyn says with anger. "Corbyn I-" he cut me off. "You know what tonight I'm buying you a plane ticket for you to go back home. Is that understood?"
"But Corb--"
"IS THAT understood"
"Yes Corbyn" I say looking down. I felt tears in my eyes.
"Okay Jack I want you out of her room and Regan I want you to start packing" Corbyn says while walking out of the room. I walk towards the door and slam it shut. I slide down the door and cry.
I get up, change in my night clothes and go to bed.
When I wake up the next morning, I check my phone that reads 6:00 a.m and remember I have to leave today. I walk downstairs and walk outside. I enjoy the view and go on my phone. Minutes later I hear someone walk behind me. I turn around and see Corbyn standing their. I roll my eyes and turn back around. We stand their in silence for a while until I say "If you're out here to tell I'm leaving I already know so you don't have to rub it in." "I'm not out here to tell you that. I'm out here to say that I thought things over last night and..." he pauses for a second and continues "it's okay... For  you... To see Jack." I turned around quickly and say "really!" With excitement. Corbyn nods. I run and give Corbyn a hug and thank him. I wait for Jack to wake up and tell him what Corbyn said. We hug and hang out for the rest of the day. I'm glad to have an amazing brother like Corbyn.
I hope you all enjoyed this imagine. Again this one is for renicole11 so I hope you enjoyed this as well. Please if you have any suggestions or requests leave them in the comment's or message me. Bye!

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