Daniel Seavey Imagine For Claudia

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Please read A/N at the end!

*Claudia's P.O.V.*

Tonight me and my boyfriend Daniel are going to pack a mini picnic and go to beach and watch the sunset. Me and Daniel haven't had alone time in a while so this outta be nice. 

We drive to the beach and we get there to see no one else which means we can run around and act like children. We go near the shore and set up are blankets and I put up one my cameras for a time lapse. We put our picnic basket in front of us.

 We put our picnic basket in front of us

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(Kinda looks like this)

Me and him take a couple pictures of each other and after a while I tell Daniel "I'm gonna go put my feet in the water." He nods and goes on his phone. Without him knowing, I grab a glass and walk over to the water. I fill the glass and I pull out my phone and go on snapchat. I run over to Daniel and pour it on his head. I start laughing as I continue to record. Daniel starts laughing and quickly get's up. I start running and here him running behind me. I start laughing like crazy. He catches up to me. He grabs me and starts spinning me around. "Daniel" I yell as I still continue to laugh. "You know what" Daniel laughs/says. "What" I say calming down. He throws me over his shoulders and starts running towards the water causing me to drop my phone on the sand. "Daniel!!!"  I scream while laughing again. He throws me into the water and when I get back up, I look at Daniel and say "I think someone wants a hug." "Ugh I don't think so" Daniel laughs. "I think so" I say running towards Daniel. He starts running to land as I chase behind him. I catch of to him and tackle him. We both fall and immediately start laughing. 

We dry off and cuddle up on the blanket we brought. We talk for a little bit and watch the sunset. We lean our heads on each other and just stare at the beautiful sight. We say at the beach until it get's completely dark. 

We head home and watch tv for a little bit and fall asleep in each other's arms. 

A/N~ Guys.. I"m so sorry but I will not be doing anymore requests. This will be my last one. If you have messaged me one, I'm sorry but I won't be doing it. I just want to do normal imagines like some people have been asking me to. I'm sorry and hopefully I'll see you in the next imagine. Bye!

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