Jonah Marais Imagine For Rosanna

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*Rosanna's P.O.V.*
I'm a senior in highschool and my prom is coming up in two weeks. I have no date to the prom so it won't be that great. I'm currently on Twitter and I decide to tweet my Celebrity Crush Jonah Marais if he would go to prom with me. 
*The Tweet* 
"Hey @JonahMarais  you want to go to my prom with me? Ily :)
He probably won't reply because of who he is and who I am. Man this sucks. The only person I like lives a couple hours away from me and doesn't even know who I am. Well maybe I'll get lucky.
*Jonah's P.O.V.*
Me and the boys have a free day today so we are all going on YouNow and Instagram live and checking our tweets. I was scrolling through Twitter when something caught my eye. It was a girl named Rosanna. I've seen her tweets a couple of times but this one caught my eye for some reason. She asked me to her prom. I tell the guys and the our manager about it and my manager says "Why don't you tweet or dm her asking her which High School she goes to and when it is.
" "Okay sounds great" I say getting excited. I haven't been to prom before so this will be fun. 
*What Jonah Tweets*
"Hey Rosanna! When and where is your prom? I'll be their ;)"
*Rosanna's P.O.V.*
I'm currently making myself lunch when my phone lights up. I wipe my hands and grab my phone. I can't believe my eyes. Jonah freaking Marais replied to me. I tell him all the details and start freaking out even more. I start running around and screaming around my house. Thank god I'm home alone right now. Otherwise my parent's will think I'm crazy. I call and text all my friends and they're all excited for me and are excited to meet him. 
*Back to Jonah's P.O.V.*
Me and the guys decided to go Tuxedo shopping since the prom is two weeks away.  We shop for a while until I finally find the one I like.

  We shop for a while until I finally find the one I like

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All the boys agree with it so we head back home. 

*Rosanna's P.O.V.*
I'm currently looking at my Prom dress that I have hung behind my door. 

I look at it once more and hear my mom's car pull up

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I look at it once more and hear my mom's car pull up. I close my door and run downstairs to tell her about. She got really excited and we talked for a while. 

*Two Weeks Later*
It is finally the day of Prom and I'm super excited/nervous. I finally realized that I'm going to prom with the Jonah Marais. I feel my heart beating through my chest. I get out of school and head to the nail salon. I get my nails done and go to hair salon as well. I leave the salon and head home. It's currently 5:00 pm and Prom doesn't start for another hour. I do my makeup and I get another DM from Jonah. 
*The DM*
You excited for tonight Rosanna? I can't wait to see you ;)
*The reply*
I'm seriously so excited! I can't wait to see you too ;)
I change into my dress and wait. Jonah said he would pick me up at my house so I'm kind of nervous. I'm currently downstairs waiting on the couch. About 5 minutes later I hear my doorbell ring. My rushes to the living room and tells me to go to my room because she want's me to 'make an entrance'. I do as she says and head to my room. About a minute later my Mom calls me downstairs. I walk out of room and slowing walk towards the stairs...
*Jonah's P.O.V.*
I wait for Rosanna to walk downstairs. I honestly think I'm probably going to see someone totally different than what I saw from Twitter. But when she came to the stairs I was wrong. I stand there in shock. She looks so beautiful I'm speechless. "Woah" I say looking at her. She blushes and looks down. "So Rosanna you ready to go" I say trying not to stare. "Yeah let's go. You look great by the way" she says grabbing my arm. "Thanks! You look absolutely stunning" I say looking down at her. "Wait let me get a picture" Rosanna's Mom said pulling out her phone. She takes the picture and we head out the door. When we walk outside Rosanna stands there in shock. "You got... a freaking limo" she says looking at me. "Of course! What would a prom be without a limo" I say as we reach the limo. We get in the car and I grab the Corsage I got her. Luckily it matched her dress. "Aww Jonah thank you so much" Rosanna says. I can tell she's nervous.

We talk in the limo  and arrive to the school

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We talk in the limo  and arrive to the school. After that we had an amazing time at Prom.
*After Prom and Rosanna's P.O.V.*
"Jonah thank you for taking me to prom. I honestly didn't expect you to actually reply" I say as he walked me to my door. "No problem and for some reason your tweet caught my eye. I don't know why. Also, can I actually get your number? Maybe we could hang out again sometime" Jonah says to me while scratching the back of his head. "Yeah of course" I say pulling my phone out of my purse. We exchange numbers and say our goodbyes. I walk into my house and my Mom says "Tell me everything" she says pulling me to the couch. I tell her everything and head to my room to get ready for bed. I talk to my friends for a while and get a text from Jonah.
~Hey Rosanna! I had a blast at Prom with you tonight
~Hey Jonah! So did I! Can't wait to see you again
~Yeah me too! Goodnight Rosanna <3
~Goodnight Jonah <3

I get into bed and fall asleep happy.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been posting regularly than I usually do. I have to deal with final's and papers due so sorry about that. But it will be summer soon so prepare for multiple uploads! This imagine is for @CarpenterGirl98 so I hope you enjoyed this as well and I'll see you in the next imagine. Bye!

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