Zach Herron Imagine for Nicole

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This imagine is for @chychy000 . Hope you enjoy. :)

*Nicole's P.O.V.*
Today I am hanging out with my best friend Y/BF/N. We're currently on our way to a shoe store at the mall to buy some new Converse or Van's. I was looking at some white Van's when a guy around my age walks up to me. "If you want clean shoes you might not want to get those" he says to me. I start to laugh when I look into his eyes. Man are they gorgeous. "I'm Zach Herron by the way" Zach says while laughing a little. "I'm Nicole, nice to meet you" I say with a smile.
*Zach's P.O.V.*
"I'm Nicole, nice to meet you" she says to me with a smile. "I know we just met but do you mind if I get your number" I say to her not trying to sound nervous. "Of course" she says to me while pulling out her phone. We exchange numbers and said our goodbyes to meet with our friends. I run to Jack and Corbyn since Daniel and Jonah were at another store. "Hey guys I just met the most beautiful girl" I say to the guys out of breath. "Okay Zach calm down" Jack says to me. Okay, well I met a girl name Nicole, I really like her and I got her number" I say kinda more calm.
*Skip to when everyone is at home*
"Okay Zach I think it is time to text that girl you met earlier" Corbyn says to me. "OOHH what girl" Jonah says to me while raising his eyebrows. Daniel does the same thing as we all start to laugh. "I met a girl named Nicole at the mall today and yeah Corbyn I think you're right, I'll text her right now" I say while getting my phone out. "Oh boy what should I say" I ask the boys. "I don't know what about 'Hey this is Zach from the mall'" Jack says to me. "Yeah that sounds good" I say while typing what Jack said into my phone. I sit there looking at the send button but don't make any action. Daniel reaches over me and presses the send button. "Thanks bro" I say kind of nervous. Now I wait...
*Nicole's P.O.V.*
I'm doing my college homework when I hear my phone buzz. I go up and check my phone. When I picked up my phone I read that it was from Zach. A huge smile was brought to my face. I texted back saying Hi and asking how he was. It seemed like seconds he responded. He said he was good and that he hopes we can hang out soon. I texted him back saying that I would love to hang out soon. I can't wait to see him again.

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this imagine! Again this imagine is for @chychy000 so I hope you enjoyed this as well. Leave me any suggestions and request in the comments. :)

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