Jack Avery Imagine For Jasmine

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(This is a recreate imagine of one that I wrote a while back. Hope you enjoy)
*Jasmine's P.O.V.*

I'm currently on my way back home from a long day in the studio. I get a call from my boyfriend Jack so I put it on my speaker. "Hey Jack" I say lazily. "Hey Jasmine! Can you pick me up something from the store while you're out" Jack asks me. "Jack I'm too tired to go to the store. Can't we do it later" I say as I wait at the red light. "Oh come on you never do anything for me anymore" Jack says as I can tell he's getting annoyed through his tone. I see the light turn green so I start to drive."Jack I do everything for yo-" I say but get cut of as my car is flipping from a truck hitting me. I look around to see everything blurry. Then I passed out.

*Jack's P.O.V.*

I heard a large crash as I just told Jasmine that she does nothing for me anymore. I screamed her name and waited for a response. 15 minutes of screaming a man picks up the phone. "Who is this" I ask the man. "This a LAPD officer who is this" I the officer asks me. "My name is Jack Avery. I'm Jasmine's boyfriend" I say getting worried. He tells me what happened and my heart drops. He tells me the name of the hospital she will be at and I quickly jump into my car. 

I get to the hospital and they tell me I have to wait. I text the rest of the boys and they all show up about 20 minutes later.

*Jasmine's P.O.V.*

I wake up in the hospital bed trying to get my eyes to focus. I'm confused at first but then I remember what happened. I sit up and look for the help button. Second's later, a nurse walks in. "Glad to see you're awake" the nurse smiles. "I'm glad to be awake. What's wrong with me" I ask the nurse. "Well you have some scratches and a broken rib" the nurse says looking on her board. "Is a Jack Avery here?" I ask hoping he was here. "Let me check" the nurse says walking out my room

*Jack's P.O.V.*

Me and the boys are in the lobby waiting until we see a nurse come up to us. "Is someone here by the name of Jack Avery" she asks us. "I am" I say while standing up. "Ms.Jasmine would like to see you now" she says telling me which room to go to. I rush to her room and see her lying on the bed. I start to tear up. "Jasmine?" I say walking in. "Jack?" Jasmine says back while trying to get up. "No stay still" I say worriedly. "Jasmine I'm so sorry this is all my fault. If I hadn't told you-" she cuts me off. "Jack it wasn't your fault. It was the truck's fault" Jasmine says putting her hand on my cheek. "I still feel so guilty. I'm sorry I said you don't do anything for me anymore. I know that's a lie" I say grabbing her hand. "Jack, I love you" Jasmine smiles. "I love you too" I say while leaning in for a kiss.

*Next Day~Jasmine's P.O.V.*

Today they're letting me leave the hospital, so Jack brought me over some comfy clothes. I sign out and we drive back to our place. We just have a chill laying down in bed. "I love you Jasmine" Jack smiles. "I love you too" I say as Jack gives me a kiss. 

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this recreated imagine. This one is for @Urte_myliu so I hope you enjoyed it as well. Bye!

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