Daniel Seavey Imagine For Roselyn

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*Roselyn's P.O.V.*

I'm currently waiting for my Starbucks order. I was looking towards the door when I see a group of boys walking. I look back at the register trying not to stare. They get in line and they order. I look at the brown haired, blue eyed guy. I grab my phone from my pocket and send a text to my friend telling her about him. She's also at Starbucks but she can't see me.

The boys wait behind me and the guy I was looking at earlier stands behind me.

Seconds later, he taps me on the shoulder. I turn around to see his amazing blue eyes looking at me. "Hey" I say while smiling. "Hi, I'm Daniel. What's your name" Daniel asks me. "Roselyn" I say acting natural. "Well Roselyn it's very nice to meet you" Daniel says charmily. "Likewise" I say looking at him. They call both of our names at the same time and we grab our drinks. "Do you think maybe we could grab a table" Daniel asks me. "If you don't mind me being with my friend" I say. "Sure we can grab a booth so that way we can all sit together" Daniel says pointing to his friends. "Yeah that sounds great" I say smiling.

We walk over to my friend and we switch to a booth. Me, Y/f/n and Daniel talk for about 5 more minutes until the rest of the boys join us. "Roselyn, Y/f/n, this is Zach, Corbyn, Jonah and Jack" Daniel says introducing me to each boy.

We talk for about an hour and we all exchange numbers. We get up and head out of Starbucks and walk around the streets of Hollywood.

I look over to see y/f/n and Jonah hitting it off. "Daniel look at Jonah and Y/f/n" I whisper over to Daniel. He looks over at them and looks over at me. We smile and then laugh. I point it out to the others and we all laugh. They don't even notice us so we walk a little faster than them. We walk into a store and have a little fun. We get into the store and cause a lot of noise.

Minutes later they tell us to get out and we do.

When we exit the store and post what happened on our snapchats.

Minutes later, Daniel goes live on YouNow and we sit down in a seating area. We stay on live for a while and they all ship us. Our faces are so close to each other that when we looked at each other we looked at each others lips and back to the eyes. We smile/laugh and look back at the screen. We get off about 10 minutes later and decide to go home. "It was nice meeting you Daniel" I say waiting for my uber. "You too. Can't wait until we get to do this again" Daniel says grabbing both my hands. "Me too" I smile.

My uber arrives and I say goodbye to the boys. Y/f/n says goodbye to Jonah and gets in the car. "I'll see you soon Daniel" I say letting go of our hands. "See you soon" Daniel winks. We separate and say goodbye. I get in the car and wave to Daniel through the window. All me and Y/f/n could talk about was them.

*Hour's Later*

It's currently 11:30 pm and I'm sitting next to my desk doing some work. After a couple minutes of doing nothing, I get a FaceTime call. I look at the contact and see it's Daniel. I quickly fix myself and answer it.

"Hey Roselyn" Daniel says through the screen. "Hey Daniel" I say happily putting my phone on a stand. "Roselyn I was wondering if you were free Friday" Daniel asks me as I can hear the rest of the boys in the background. "I actually am" I smile as I look at my calendar on my wall. "Great so I'll see you Friday?" Daniel smiles. "Yeah you will" I smile. "Cool I'll text you the details. Talk to you later" Daniel says waving. "Byeee" I say waving as well. We hang up and all I could do is smile.

*Friday Morning*

I wake up with a huge smile on my face remembering that today is the day I get to go on my date with Daniel. I get out of bed and do my morning routine and head to my closest.

(I know I already used this picture but whatever xD)

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(I know I already used this picture but whatever xD)

I get dressed and do my makeup.

After I get ready, I wait until I get a text from Daniel. I texted him my address the night before so he would know.

At around 12:00pm, I get a text from his saying he's outside. I grab my purse and my sunglasses and head downstairs.

I lock my door and see Daniel waiting outside of his car. "Hey Roselyn" Daniel smiles. "Hey Daniel" I say greeting him. "You ready" he asks me. "I sure am" I say proudly.

We get in the car and buckle our seat belts. "So Daniel where are you taking us" I ask Daniel as he starts to drive. "I was thinking we could go to the movies and then we could go to the park" Daniel offers. "That sounds great" I smile.

We get to the movies, order some popcorn and watch Life Of Pets (xD).

We finish the movie and begin to leave. We get in the car and head to the car.

We get in the car and head to the park.

Before we go to the park, we stop at Pinkberry. I get the Pink Lemonade and he gets the Blueberry.

We get back in the car and head to the park.

We get to the park and talk for about an hour.

*When Daniel Drops You Off*

"Thank you so much Daniel" I say as we walk up to my doorstep. He grabs my hands and looks at me. "Anything for you" Daniel smiles. "I really want to see you again" I say smiling. "Same here. I'll text you the address to my house and you can come visit me whenever you want" Daniel offers. "I'd like that" I say looking into his beautiful blue eyes.

We say goodbye and I head in my house. I watch Daniel leave and head upstairs. I jump on my bed and text Y/f/n.

I get a text from Daniel saying he had a great time and I text him back. We text for a while until we both have to get off. I'm so glad that I met Daniel.

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this imagine. This one is for @roselynmtz so I hope you enjoyed this as well. If you have any request please comment down below or message. Bye!

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