Entry #11: 3-6-14

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So here is some news! Before I went to the doctors yesterday, I had a supportive boot on. And today, I don't!! I no longer need the boot, and I'm allowed to be on a crutch! I think I'm going to wait until after spring break to switch though. It's more easy.


I woke up happily. I definitely had a full night of sleep. But... I didn't want to get out of bed. I didn't want to go to school. I'm too comfortable. But I dragged myself out of bed at 6:50am. And 5 minutes later I went to school. I finally saw David... And of course I felt much better. Last night, we were texting. The reason he wasn't at school was because he had a panic attack. I wish I could help you.. I say. And he did tell me that I do help him. When he comes over and hangs out, he feels happy. And honestly, when it comes down to it, that's all I really want. So as long he's happy with me, I'm happy.

Then in third hour study hall, RJ had been telling me about how he downloaded a Mad Lib app. I got excited. That's what I grew up on. And, oh lord, did we come up with some good ones. We were laughing so hard.

I was so happy from laughing, I was actually happy all of the way through Spanish! I met up with David before band, and we exclaimed for the 3rd day in a row that I need to bring tape to re-tape a poster to his locker. I really need to remember that. Then, in the band room, instead of watching him play the piano, I watched him play and practice for the contest on the snare drum. He likes to look in my eyes as he rolls on it. I love to watch his hands. Then, finally, in 10th hour study hall, Sydney, a guy named Tyler, and I played with the Mad Lib app. So funny!

After school, I caught up with Mac. And we talked for 20 minutes. Well, rather, I talked. See, he can't talk. Radiation poisoning. Yikes. But I still was able to talk to him. (I'm talented!) I kept telling him he needs to learn sign language so I can understand him. Then I finger spelled "You need to learn sign language" in sign language. Then, long story short, I accidentally misunderstood his body language. So basically, I said, "Aarrrg! You're a pirate??" And he tried so hard not to laugh. I feel so bad. I was laughing too though. But eventually I had to go. I enjoyed 'talking' to him. It was fun.

When I got home, I sat on the couch, and watched some Dr. Phil with my mom. So I decided to start this journal. And my brother, Collin, wanted to play extreme don't-let-the-balloon-touch-the-floor game. But I was writing.

So he asked, "Are you writing about your whole day?"

And I replied, "Well, not every detail. Like, 'I pushed down with my right foot on the brown an tan speckled tile, moving me on my scooter down the hallway'..!"

And we laughed.

Then we played the balloon game. After that we are dinner. Then a really long. Conversation that I wasn't really part of took place. It was 8:30. So Collin and I, after that convo, did the dishes, played another balloon game, played some Mad Libs, then I FINALLY was able to get to my room. Finally.

A little bit after dinner, and before the conversation, I remembered something that makes me a bit happy. I don't know why, it just does. So you know how I kept saying how great of a Daddy David would make? I texted him the other day [Monday Night], if he wanted kids in the future. He said yes. I told him good. He asked why I needed to know, and I told him I thought he would make a great Daddy. I guess he felt awkward, because he just responded with Thanks. Eventually, though, he said I would make a good Mommy. At the time, I told him, "Naw, I'd be the Mom who gave their kid a burrito for breakfast" (considering that's why I planned for the next mornings breakfast to be...). But he really believed I would make a good Mom.

Since then, I considered it. And, with the right job an home, I would make a great Mom. I actually can't wait to be a Mom.

I remember when David came over last weekend, I was holding Mason the cat like my own little baby. And I gave the kitty a kiss. And he looked away. David said, as Mason, "Come on! You're embarrassing me!" And I replied, "But mommy loves you! Mommy can give you as many kisses as she wants!" And I proceeded to kiss Masons face and head a bahmillion times.

I guess that's one thing tha'd make me a good Mom, right? There's a ton of reasons. I guess that should be saved for a different Entry.

Well, for now...

Keep Smiling!


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