Entry #56: 4-27-14

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I didn't get out of bed until 2:15pm today. It was supposed to be a cleaning day, and I was feeling lazy. I was JUST about to shower, when, at 2:30, David texted me wondering if we could hang out. I told him to pick me up around 3:50 so I could shower, and clean the bathroom.

I was done by 3:40. I put on my eye makeup. I feel so naked and weird without it now!! I then decided to eat for the first time all day. It was 4 I clock. I waited. 4:10. I texted him. 4:20. "If you don't respond in 10 minutes, I'm going to call you!" 4:35. I called, no answer. 4:55, I received a text saying that he fell asleep, and so he picked me up about 10 minutes later.

Jeez! I felt like I was being stood up! For about an hour, we played soccer. We eventually had to go back to my house because my boots were garbage. Literally, my right boot's sole was halfway off! Like, damn!

We went back to the field, and there was some WICKED clouds. They were really cool. I was tempted to take pictures. I didn't though, and eventually it started to rain. To avoid further injury, we went to his house.

We played my party music, and played some fooseball!! He won. He dominated. Then, for dinner we had tacos. Honestly, for the first time ever I had olives in my tacos. It was the first time I actually liked olives! Afterwards, we played pool, and other random games. It was a lot of fun, and I was happy. I actually had a good time, and I wasn't thinking about him the way I normally do. I wasn't thinking about kissing or hugging or dating or any of it. I was enjoying my time with him. I mean, I had to avoid looking at him every time he did pelvic thrusting, of which he's really awkwardly talented at, but that's all! It was great to not be nervous around him for once!

For being madly in love with him, for the first and only time, I enjoyed just being his friend. Which wore off quickly when I went to bed later.

Anyway, I asked if he could drive me to a store, because I needed to buy RJ's birthday present. I bought him old style Mountain Dew in the bottles, and crayons. (As a joke). I also decided to treat David and I to Classic Pepsi bottles as well. We decided to split it. We both had one bottle on the ride home, and we were going to save the other two for Tuesday.

On the ride home, he decided he was going to try and read my ENTIRE journal by midnight. Because apparently he has unlimited data ONLY on Sundays.

He dropped me off around 9:30pm, and when I walked in the house, Collin was confused. He wondered why I was home so late on a school night. I said I spent the day with David. I could see in his eyes, he wanted to ask if we were dating or something, but I guess he decided to not push it.

If you think about it, just a little, we do act as if we were dating. We go to each other's houses all of the time, our families know the other very well, we have dinner at our houses, and on occasion, stay at the other's house until we could just pass out. The latest I think was about 11pm. We just don't say I love you, or kiss, or hold hands, or cuddle, and all that stuff. So... It's like we're dating without the physical connection. Dude.

Well, when I went to bed, I didn't even change into PJs. I just cuddled my pillows and big stuffed bear. And my big stuffed dog. I sighed into them. I wanna cuddle David. Well, I need a boyfriend. I need love!

I don't even know, I originally wasn't going to write about today tonight, but I decided if David was going to somehow read every entry tonight, I should at least write about today. (I also decided to read my entire journal again. It's pretty fun!)

Which reminds me... Hey David!! If you get this far, congratulations!! I loveeee yoouuuu!!!! I will always love YOOuuuu! Sending you hugs and kisses!


BWAHAHAHA!!! NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS WOULD I HAVE THE GUTS TO SAY THAT OR TEXT THAT TO HIM!! But hey. It's my journal, I can write whatever the fuck I wanna write! And it's all true!

Don't forget to do the best thing ever!!

Keep Smiling!!


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