Entry #17: 3-12-14

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Mmmm. Dragon fruit flavored water. It was the taste of his lips. It was so delicious. I wanted it to last forever. We kept kissing over and over.. Then it eventually ended.

Guhh. This is a memory I have of my one and only ex. It's been replying over and over in my head. For the past two days, whatever free day-dreaming time, that isn't about David, I have...that's what I think of.

I also think I'm loosing my hearing again. Also for the past two days I felt like I have earmuffs on myself 24/7.

Time for another surgery perhaps? I've had 7 surgeries for my ears. Each time is to put new tubes in my ears.

But all of that aside, for the first time in 2 YEARS, I slept comfortably. It was godly. I had no desire to get out of bed. ....except that I was thirsty....


So I dragged myself out bed, got dressed as fast as I could can, and ran out the door with two Caprisons and an apple sauce slurp thing.

I got to school, and again was happy to see David. I'm never not happy seeing him. We played Mad Libs again! Haha!



I'm sorry. It's not even my stomach. It's like, my abdomen. I don't know. Not giving you the details. Not like you wanted it anyway. Weirdo.

Hmmm, what else happened today? Oh yeah. RJ and I ate a ham and cheese sandwich in 3rd hour study hall. DONT JUDGE US.

I also got a new high score on my new favorite game. My friends are concerned. I might be addicted.

In 10th hour, Sydney and I drew a diagram as to where every one sits in the morning. With our fingers. On the science table. Why? Because we can, that's why.

You know what else I notice? All my entries at least 10 misspellings or bad grammar in it! I can't. Just can't. Ughhh.

I often read all of my old journals. It's fun. I hope you can understand all of my grammar mistakes. Because I'm not fixing them.

After school, Libby asked if she an come over. So, obviously she came over. She doesn't need to ask really. She's my best friend!

And when she came over, obviously, we predicted it, we talked about David, and her guy problems too. I mean, of course. And remember that girl named Alex? The other girl in David's life? Which, by the way, I've known her before David, it's not like I hate her.

Any way, one reason they have a chance is because they dated back in 6th grade. (About 5 years ago). And, they were eachother's first. So, there's that, you know?

Well, she was texting me, and well, I told her that Yes, I STILL like David, and YES, I want to date him. I also told her that Libby has been wanting him and I to date since I started liking him.

And then she got awkward an asked, "If you ever got the chance, would you FUCK him?!" Being honest with everyone, I WOULDN'T KNOW THAT. SORRY.

Afterwards, Libby had to go. But before she went, we went into a deep conversation. It's too much to explain into details, but, it's about her Dad. She needed it. So I'm glad I was able to make her happy a bit. Hehe.

So, also, John had a bad day today. And he punched our garbage can. It was the first time I've seen him violent. And then, I had to watch 'Bad Grandpa' with my brother. May I add, unedited?

Libby also texted me if she could sit by us tomorrow morning. I wonder what plan she's trying to hatch. Haha, naw, I love her. She comes first, honestly.

And with that, loves...

Keep smiling!


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