Entry #36: 4-7-14

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I woke up around 3am remembering that I forgot to set my alarm. So I set it, and went back to sleep. When I finally woke up for sure, I stayed in bed as long as possible.

But I had to go to school anyway. And when I got there, David was so tired I barely understood what he was saying. It was adorable.

At the end of a very easy math class, my abdomen started hurting again.

No, it's not Mother Nature, by the way.

And uhh, I haven't told anyone about this, but I've been this pain in my abdomen on and off for the past two years. I texted my mom, and she told me to go to the nurse. I eventually was sent home.

My mom was pretty sure I had ovarian cysts. So the doctor told me that I was to get an X-ray done. Which I did. And if in still in pain tomorrow, I have to get an ultrasound. Oh dear...

When we left we got some results. Turns out there might be a few problems. We're going to wait a few days to see if any of the problems go away soon.

The entire time, RJ was texting me, being all worried. It's so adorable.

So I just spent the rest of the day with a heating pad on my abdomen. We know for sure it's not my appendix, or any kidney stones, or any urinary problems. So that's good.

Although, now I can't have dairy products. Which means no mayonnaise. NOOOOO!!!!!I LOVE MAYONNAISE! WHY MUST THE WORLD BE SO CRUEL!!!!

Oh yes!!! Here is some exciting news!! Mason is finally being fixed in two days! Yay!! Que the dancing! And then me saying ow.

Ahh, yes. It hurts to laugh. Move around. Grrr.

In the end of the day, I'm staying home from school tomorrow, and I'm sleeping in the couch-bed. Where I slept when I was all drugged up from my ankle surgery. Hehe. I loved that so much. Well... I loved the medicine I was on. Haha. Well, wish me luck, guys!

Keep Smiling!!


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