Entry #54: 4-25-14

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If I said today was an uneventful day, I would be LYING to you. There wasn't a boring moment in the day.

Today, I forgot my sanity sanity at home. And I was attacked. By David. That bitch.

And by attacked, I mean David randomly tried starting a turn-on war this morning without my consent. I was in a really hyper mood, and him, Alex, and I were all talking about inappropriate stuff. Suddenly, he put his hand on my thigh, and I swear, I might have bruised him. Uncontrollably I sharply shouted "NO", and slapped his arm so hard, it resonated through the halls just as loud as my yell. The look on his face was priceless. He was surprised. Molly, a freshman who occasionally sits by us, stated she wanted my "NO!!" as a ringtone! It was pretty funny.

In class, even, we were off topic a bit, and laughing and such. We are learning about weather and wind. And there's this thing called the horse latitude. Turns out, the reason why it's called that, is because since the winds are so non existing there, you need to have a light-weighted boat. Way long ago, we didn't know that, and there were horses on board. And the boat was just sitting there. So what did the people do? They pushed the horses over board. (Sorry horse lovers). So everyone was talking about that. Making up little stories and such. It was quiet entertaining.

In math class, I was happy to be fully engaged on a worksheet, I love worksheets. And in study hall, I took a 'Map' test on math. In the end, even when I apparently scored 10 points higher than I should, I felt totally burned out from taking tests. That was my 3rd math test in the 3rd day in a row.

In Spanish class, I worked on a kids' book that was due TODAY. Well, sorry bitch, if you knew the basic rules of school, I get an extra day to work on it from being absent on Tuesday. Suck it up, buttercup.

In band class our director have us the piece that we technically wrote. It was SO cool. I loved it.

In English class, we watched a video and dissected it basically. Finally, in 10th hour study hall, I wrote 3 sentences for the journal and designed a shirt. Why? Well, in the beginning of this journal, I had written "I left my sanity at home". And I was saying what I was writing out loud, because that's just me. And Sydney had said, "Hey! That should be on a shirt!" And my brain spiked. She was right. And I knew exactly where I could do that. And then, another idea popped up. THAT SHIRT CAN BE THE PARTY FAVOR OF MY 16th BIRTHDAY! Sweet!! And mom has already said she's willing to do it. RIGHT ON!

... Now I said 'finally', but I didn't leave the school, ohh not yet! After school, I went to the Drumline Clinic, and I learned how to play all of drumline. Originally, I was only going to audition for cymbals. But they said you would have more of a chance of getting in the band if you auditioned on more than one instrument. And luckily, even though I tried all of them out, I really enjoyed the bass drum. So, when I audition, I will be auditioning for the Cymbals, and the Bass Drum! This is exciting!

After the clinic, I STILL didn't come home. I decided to help something out called 'The Battle of the Bands', where what I would do is help take down, and set up the drums for each band. That lasted until 10:40, and then we had to help clean up the wires and stuff. Comes to find out that Danielle was there, and she said hi to us after the whole thing was over.

[She also made a comment about, for my 16th birthday, maybe the partiers should lock him and I up in a room by ourselves. I immediately thought 7 minutes in heaven, but, AS IF something would happen!]

After all of that, I went home, I was sore, and my ankle hurt. I ate cereal and I took a pain pill, and went strait to bed. What a great day today was!!

Keep Smiling!


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