Entry# 45.2 4-16-14

63 0 0

Extra Extra #4

Advice From Sharpie.

Some things are just impossible to fix with regular old glue. Some times you need CrAzY gLuE!!

Although when you use crazy glue, you risk the fact of it possibly exploding all over your fingers, drying within seconds.

Has that ever happened to you? Have you ever had my bad luck? Well, turn that frown upside down! I can help you get it off.

Don't even bother trying to use soap and water right away. Crazy glue only has one weakness. Acetone. Which is one of the first ingredients in nail polish remover! Get that, and some Q-tips, and go somewhere that spilling that stuff won't matter. Dip the cotton sticks into the remover, and swipe it onto area of glue. (If you have it on a lot of skin, do one spot at a time) tho weakens the glue for a small amount of time, so you can then scratch it off. When all of the glue is mostly off, NOW wash your hands with warm water and soap.

Fucking crazy glue. It just fucking exploded all over my fingers.

Keep Smiling!


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