Entry #46: 4-17-14

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Come on, you can do this. It's the last day of school this week. Get up. This is how I motivated myself to get up this morning. I was so tired. Not even my eye makeup could get me up. I wanted to sleep in today.

But I eventually dragged my ass out of bed, and dressed in all black, thinking David was still going to dress up today. Well, when I got to school, Danielle told me he must have forgotten. But that was okay. I think I look pretty good in black. I look daring. I love wearing all black. It's a sexy color.

David was eager to listen to more of my music for some reason, so that's what we did mostly this morning.

In Math Class, we had a quiz, which I couldn't be happier. I like quizzes because not only can I just work, but the classroom is quiet, and you don't have to pay attention to the teacher or something.

In 3rd hour study hall, I was playing a game on my phone, and just messing around. I had All Of Me on repeat for what must have been 45 minutes. But, I don't remember honestly, but RJ and I were just laughing. I almost started crying. I did my best so the makeup wouldn't smear.

Later, in band, I was having a bit of fun. I think we're writing our own piece. It's really fun. But in between playing, David and I were signing to each other. I had taught him the alphabet in Sign Language. So when we have to be quiet, be can just sign to talk. Although we can finger spell pretty fast, we have to slow down a bit because the other has to process each letter and spell them out. Still, it's fun.

My mother is a Sign Language Interpreter for the deaf. I think she's one of the best on the state, perhaps the country. Not just because she's my mom, I'm not boasting her. She literally knows the in and out of signing. She understands the concepts. Either she's the best, or all of her other 'co-workers' are complete idiots.

After band, 9th hour English and 10th hour Study hall was technically canceled because for the first time in ever, our school did a "College Expo". I found some colleges I liked. RJ and I were browsing tables with pamphlets and consisting no representatives to talk to. Because we don't like talking. Eventually I found Mac, and we struck up a conversation. RJ decided to leave. I found out later that he felt like a third wheel, since he thought we were flirting. If that was the case, I flirt with everyone. But eventually we parted.

Then I found David, and he hugged me tighter than I expected. Then we talked for a bit, and went off on our own. And while I found Libby, She, RJ and I were all conversing, David found us again. Now, I'm not sure, but it looked like he kissed my shoulder. That, or he rested his chin on my shoulder for, like, a millisecond. I'm 95% sure it was an attempted kiss-on-the-shoulder. I wanted to question him, but I thought I mind as well not.

He hugged Libby, and she almost accidentally kissed him. She too, like me, has been wanting to kiss. Unlike me, she wants a kiss with anyone, a full on make-out, and a cute date later. No one in particular. I want David.

But even so, I teased and asked why she didn't almost kiss me, so she turned around, and we pecked each other on the lips. Well that's a first for us. I'm starting to think we are more than close friends. I mean, we're ONLY friends, I don't think I could seriously date her... But she's the only one who can grab my boobs, grab my ass, rub my legs and arms, and wrap herself around me without me giving a second thought to it. And now apparently we can kiss without me giving it a second thought. I really don't understand, but I guess that's what makes us best friends!

One of David's friends teased him asking if he was jealous. Since we literally just pecked in front of him. It was actually very funny. I learned that the last time he ever kissed someone has been longer ago than me. Last time he kissed someone is about 5 years ago. Last time I kissed someone was about 2 years ago.

Well damn boy, you need some lip action. C'mere and get it!

Ahhh, if only...!

A little bit later I made RJ CRY OF LAUGHTER, because I was supposed to get him and Kalynn some lanyards from the U.S. Navy booth, and instead of grabbing them, I accidentally threw them ALL on the floor. I looked to see if they saw, and thy were laughing. When I returned, there were tears in his eyes. It was really funny. You must have probably just had to be there.

When I rejoined David, it was just us. So he offered to take me to some of the college booths he went to. I really enjoyed them.

I'm going to briefly tell you my plan for my future. I plan on going to college to Major in Math, and maybe science. I want a PhD in Math, and I really don't know about science. Depending in the school and the tours I do, I might want to minor in art. But I definitely want to minor in Music or English. But here's the weird twist: I want to be a tattoo artist, and own my own place. That requires absolutely no college. It kind of, barely helps if you take art, but not really. I know what I need to do in order to become an artist, and then eventually an owner.

The reason I want to Major in math is because of my obsession with numbers. I love numbers. Numbers are everywhere. I love anything that has to do with numbers. I love Sudoku. I love math. I love factors, Multiplication, Geometry, Algebra, all of it. I love discovering things, I enjoy finding the equation to certain things. I really love numbers. I love data. I love the data I make myself. I love knowing how many reads, votes, or comments I have. Followers. Friends. I love counting how much older or younger someone is from me. I almost always remember dates. I remember the exact last date I was kissed. December 17th, 2012. I know the time I was born. 2:34pm durning Jerry Springer. I love knowing how many songs that is on my playlist. I love knowing the distance from one place to another is. Numbers, numbers, NUMBERS. I love numbers.

Do you get it yet? Okay, good.

When I got home finally, I wanted to sleep because of how exhausted I was from walking around for two hours. For the colleges and stuff. But, of course not. I had obligations. I had to be respectful to my 20 year old brother and play a game with him. I had to be respectful to my mom and help make dinner. I had to be respectful of my mom and help clean the kitchen for 2 hours. Even as I felt my bags of my eyes get their own bags, I continues to help. I couldn't abandon them. I'm way too nice and respectful. Sometimes I hate it.

Then, I finally collapsed onto my bed, plugged my phone in, and wrote the journal to my music on shuffle. I originally wasn't going to, but I didn't think I would have time tomorrow, since I was going to David's house at 11 to work on Marching band terms, and how-to's. Basically Drumline Training! Haha.

So when I finished writing, I listened to All Of Me on last time, and went to sleep.

So.. My dear readers, I bid you a goodnight from my end of the globe.

Keep Smiling!


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