Entry #24.2: 3-20-14 [Kissing]

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Random Rant #5:

Fuck. I can't think anymore. My mind is all on one thing. Blah blah David blah blah cuddling blah blah kissing blah blah blushing.

Sometimes I hate being a teenage girl.

All of my daydreams are about him. I'm going insane with all of these thoughts. My daydreams are his beautiful luscious lips against mine. His amazing body held against me. Him hugging me, everything. I've been daydreaming too much. I love him so much. Never before have I ever loved someone like this. There's not one day I haven't thought about him.

I love how much he cares about me. I love his values. I love everything about him. Man. I am so going insane. Aww, man, what am I gonna do? Oh! I know!

Keep smiling!


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