Entry# 48: 4-19-14

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Today was an extreme lazy day. I slept in until 10, stayed in my bed until 12, only to crawl into my moms bed for a few hours. [So... This ought to be a short entry]

Eventually I had to stop being lazy. So I went upstairs to be with my 21 year old brother! HAPPY 21st BRUHTHA!!! I played a racing game and a war game with him. Then I organized his iPod for him, using my sucky laptop.

We watched TV, ate dinner, and we got our Easter baskets! Yes, it's a bit early, but that's because Collin works tomorrow morning, so we thought we should just to it tonight. We both got candy and stuff as normal, then we got our own "special" gifts. Collin got some earbuds, since he's been taking mine everyday. Finally. And I got some things I never thought I'd ever be happy about. Makeup! But only eye makeup! That's the only makeup I really care for. And now I have more colors!! I'm really happy.

But I got something else to. This is something I'm happier about...

You remember my music plan? Well, hopefully that will still be in effect... Have I told you about an app I have for music yet? I must have. It's called Beats Music. I had a 7-day free trial on it that ends tomorrow, and I instantly fell in love with it. It's $10 a month, so I made the best out of it. Well, Happy Easter! I get to keep it!!! This has got to be the second best unexpected gift I've ever gotten! (The first is my precious viola)

I finally have all of my music and more on one device! I am so happy. I would wipe tears from my eyes.

After going to my room to "go to bed", I wrote my journal. And now hopefully I will work on the first chapter of my newest book. "Fuck Off... It's My Life, Not Yours." I suggest you read it! Honestly although, it has absolutely no plot or anything. Nothing is planned. So there won't be any post schedules or anything. I apologize. I'm letting myself be creative spontaneously.

Keep Smiling!!!


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