Entry#42: 4-13-14

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Aside from waking up every 2hours,I was really glad to sleep in today. And I was able to cuddle with Mason for a tiny bit. When I finally got out of bed, I wrote yesterday's journal, since I didn't write it yesterday.
Mom followed me a few minutes layered, and she got me some doughnuts, and we watched TV. That sparked an idea of hers. She decided to introduce me to one of her favorite shows. It's a British comedy. It's kind of like America's Family Guy, or South Park, but without the swearing and violence. Well, that's what she told me. I disagree. But I really enjoyed it. It's called Bob & Margret. It's really old, but very amusing.
Then we had dinner.
Literally, today was an extreme lazy day. Soo... If you're up to it, I guess I'll let you in on some random fantasy/daydream I had today. My heart is beating hard just thinking about it. And I'm blushing. Damnit.
Normally, I would put this in a different entry, but this is so short! I'm not going to do that to you! Haha. Okay... Well, have fun. I know I may or may not regret putting this on the World Wide Web, but what the hell.
While texting David, he told me that on Tuesday and Wednesday, he'll be wearing a tuxedo of some sort. Which is bad news for me, because I will be red in the face while drooling. He will be the sexiest thing on the planet. And I won't be able to say anything about it. As soon as I found out, I literally groaned and said, "Well Fuck." Because I know myself. I'm going to be a hot and bothered mess.
When I though of him in a tuxedo, my heart started to race. I then proceeded to fantasize. Teehee. I imagined him, sexy as hell in his tux, giving me his eye. The eye he gives me when he gives me when he tries to start the turn-on war. When he tries to make me blush. When he teases me. I get so red. I imagined him slowly crawling over me, teasing me knowing that I think he's extremely attractive. It's the thought of him over me that makes my heart race, my face scarlet. Sometimes I think of grabbing his head and kissing him, and getting kissed back. Getting a kiss on the neck. Or just some thing as 'simple' as just staring into each other's eyes as he's over me.
So now that you took a trip into my fantasy land... I bid you goodnight.

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