Entry #37: 4-8-14

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Well, since I was told to stay home, I did. And I woke up at 10. I wanted to eat Breakfast, but then I remembered I couldn't have any milk. I was disappointed.

Oh well. I mostly layed around and did nothing. Until 3pm came around, and everything started hurting again. Even my ribs. This was kind of aggravating... At least I had my heating pad! Thankfully, the pain subdued.

When mom got home, we started planning all of our dinners. I got to have spaghetti. I really wanted pizza, but cheese is a dairy. Mom got to have the pizza, but then she had to go.

I'm so jealous of her. Not only did she have pizza, but she got to go to a concert today! To our favorite band called Blue October.

At least I got to watch Hangover part III during dinner! Which was really funny. Afterwards I got to bake some cinnamon strudel muffins.

I had to make them because tomorrow is Wednesday. Wednesdays we have something called tower. Which you might know as homeroom. Be that as it may, tomorrow is my day to bring in food. I made about 24 mini muffins and 4 big muffins. About a 3 hours later, 10:30pm, not only did the pain in my abdomen come back, but my heating pad decided to stop working. I wasn't sure if I should go to school tomorrow. And I didn't want to tell mom, because she was at the concert. So I decided to stay on the couch, and go to sleep. Even though I had 4 OTC pain pills, I was still in pain.

I just will have to hope there won't be any emergencies!!

[sorry if entries are looking choppy, it's hard to describe not being in pain when you are in pain and vise versa.]

Keep Smiling!


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