Entry #43: 4-14-14

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Another awesome date. Hawhaw!!

The only reason I actually got up on time today, is because I wanted to put my eye makeup on again. I, again, did a good job. I'm quiet happy. And it looks good.

When I got to my normal spot, David wasn't there again. I'm starting to miss a man I see everyday. That's bullshit! God what's wrong with me...?

In math, I was really happy, because I had a quiz. I love numbers. And I love tests. I am really weird, don't judge!

In both my 3rd and 10th hour study halls, I was on this new app I have called Beats Music. It's normally $10 a month subscription, but I have a 7-day free trial. And I'm in fucking love with it. I feel so sad I won't have it after Sunday. With this app, I can listen to ALL OF MY MUSIC.

Although, thanks to this app, I've been able to catch up on bands I've been meaning to look up. Such as Avenged Sevenfold. Or Blood on the Dancefloor, aka BOTDF. KoRn. Cake. Simple Plan. And the list goes on. Got a suggestion? Comment before Sunday April 20th!! You may wonder why I'm asking for more music if I can have this app for long. Well, I have a plan.

My 16th birthday is coming up, and you all know what that means... Now, before you think I'm greedy, and expecting a lot of money... Think: One of the biggest birthdays for a girl is her Sweet 16. I remember my sister had a limo ride with some friends. I'm definitely not expecting something like that. That was, like, 5 or 6 years ago. When we had money to spend on luxuries like that. But since we don't have that much money to spend, I came up with a pretty good plan.

My plan is that I get enough money and Best Buy gift cards to buy my own iPod of some sort. And then, I'll organize my laptop, and dedicate a whole day to clean it out, and put all I the music I currently own onto it. And then on the iPod. And the plan extends from there, on me getting a job, and saving money to buy all of the music of Avenged Sevenfold and BOTDF. (I have access to all of the KoRn, Cake, and such)

Now, that's what a normal birthday party is like. Considering how much my parents keep surprising me... I MIGHT get an iPod for my birthday. So then I'll have more money to spend on the music itself!

This plan has also made me think that perhaps I could buy more comfortable earphones than the ones I have. Even though I prefer my FlipsAudio headphones much more, headphones are more portable, and much cheaper than the FlipsAudio headphones.

Considering my Sweet 16 is in 42 days, excluding today, I need to start making plans. Well, dates. Because this will hopefully go the way I want it to go. I'm going to have 3 parties. One is the family party, which is not my responsibility to plan. Haha. But here are my other 2 party plans:

-The All-Friends party:

This will be a party with all or most of my friends. It would be hosted at my house. With pizza and music. Maybe some special balloons. With helium. But, really nothing too special. I have a rough guest list for this one. Because I have to go over it with my mom about how many should go. The for-sure-inviting: Libby, David, RJ, Danielle, Justice, Grae, Emily, and Bailey. Maybe-s: Julia, Mac, Kat, Spencer, Sydney, and Kaylynn.

[No office to the 'maybes': it's either because they wouldn't like it because it'll be awkward/they won't know any one, or because I don't know them very well. Or especially for Mac..: not many people like...]

Then there's the 'Close-Friend Party' especially reserved for the weird and wild! It'll hopefully be Libby, David, RJ, and maybe Emily. We would be going to a place called Dave&Busters back at my old town for the arcade there. Which is AWESOME. I have 3 empty cards from there, so maybe it'll be cheaper? I'm not sure what the food plans are for there, but I'm hoping the most money will be spent there. (And I'll be secretly telling each of them to bring as much money as they can, just to relieve SOME stress from the money thing) Perhaps after that can be hanging out at my house or something.

As you can see, these plans aren't exact, but they have been planned to this detail for the past 3 months. So, they are pretty detailed.

Anyway, I got carried away with details. Haha. I'm just excited for this.

When I got home, I was really happy that Collin got a call, so I wouldn't have to be forced to spend time with him. I'm becoming into that type of teen I never thought I'd be as a kid. The teen that doesn't want to talk to anyone, is distant from the family, only listening to music and that's it. I love the whole music thing, but if I had to hate one thing about myself, it would be my attitude towards spending time with most of my family. Feel really bad that sometimes I don't want to spend time with Collin, Mom, my Sisters, Grandmothers, or my cousins. I would just want to sit somewhere comfortable, listen to my music on full volume, and nothing else. Maybe reading, or drawing, if I'm visually bored.

I'm falling in love with music again. I love music. Real music. Not music that's about fucking bitches, getting music, being slutty, or shit like that. (Ahem- excluding BOTDF, that's one group that is abnormality on my music list)

I've also been thinking about David a lot today. Well, I always think a lot about him. [ I'll save that for another entry. This one is getting longer than expected!]

After I ate dinner, my friend Danielle was asking me to send her any random sentence that popped in my head. I had no idea why.

Earlier today, David made the plan that Spencer and I were to go to his house this Friday to practice and learn drumline stuff Marching Band. I'm excited for that.

But the rest of the day was quiet boring. Oh well!! I'm happy!! Which, by the way, that song was stuck in my head all day. Ugh.

Keep Smiling!


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