Chapter 10

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A/N- I updated the "meet the cast" chapter with a bunch of gif so go check them out yo! If you follow me on instagram(shyla_episode) you know that I lost a family member yesterday. This story has been letting me get out a lot of negative energy so it's been very therapeutic for me, I will be resuming Getting Styled as well as all of my episode stories soon though!


May 2017 (present day)

My family left after dinner, they were so happy to not only have me back in Savannah but that I wanted to get help. For the first time since I lost Carolina I had hope, a small trace of it but it was still there.

I fell to sleep as soon as my head hit my pillow and I was swept away into a dreamland.

I found myself back in the gardens at the church, only instead of all different kinds of flowers only Cherokee Roses grew. There was a beautiful brunette with long flowing hair  in a white gown dancing around with a little girl. She had brown curly hair that had been just slightly kisses by the sun so it had glowing gold highlights. Her eyes were a vivid emerald green.

"Harry." The woman calls me and I walk towards her, she turns around and it's Carolina, only more mature looking. "Harry meet our daughter, Cherokee Rose." She  gushes as she pulls the little girl in front of her."Isn't she perfect?"

Kneeling down to the young girl, I push a curl out of her face. She looks exactly like me but with more feminine features. "She's beautiful Carolina."

"Where are you daddy? Why aren't you here with mommy and I?" Cherokee asks innocently leaving me puzzled. 

No it can't be, yes she was born prematurely but they told me she would survive. 

I looked up at Carolina and she smiled at me, "It's ok Cherokee love, daddy will join us when it's his time." She cooed, I then realized what Carolina meant.

Cherokee was dead, my baby was dead.

"Harry! Mr Styles wake up!" My eyes flash open as Dr Horan leaned over me, shaking my shoulders. It was dark but my window was open allowing the moon to shine in and illuminate her. She was wearing a simple tank top and leggings, by the light of the moon I could see that her freckles extended out to her entire body. "Harry are you ok?" She asks softly, snapping me out of my daze.

 "Harry are you ok?" She asks softly, snapping me out of my daze

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"Yes thank you Dr Horan."

"Please call me Gen Harry, I kind of hate it when people call me Dr Horan. Makes me sound old and stuffy." She says crinkling her nose causing me to let out a laugh.

My eyes widen in shock, Gen jumps up and backs away from me. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No! Not at all, I just can't remember the last time I laughed. Like actually, genuinely laughed." I admit sheepishly.

"I'm glad I could make you laugh then. I should let you get back to sleep now that you're alright." She says simply and heads for the door.

"Dr Hora- Gen?"

She turns towards me with a concerned look on her face. "Yes Harry?"

"Do you think you could stay?"

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