Chapter 71

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July 2017~
Gen's POV~

"Come on baby, there's a car waiting."

"Harry where are we going?" I ask confused.

"We aren't going anywhere, you're going to the salon and getting pampered." Harry responds smiling.


"Because I'm taking you out tonight Gen." He replies kissing me on the forehead and leading me out to the car waiting. "I'll see you in a little bit ok love?" Harry asks and I nod softly before getting in the car.

Over the last two months Harry has done so much more for me then Niall ever did. He never surprised me, he never bought me things just cause he thought they would look good on me.  He never showed me he loved me the way Harry does.

Wait, does he love me?

The driver brought me to a nice salon about five minutes away. "Mrs Gallagher?" A beautiful older woman greeted me.

"Yes, that's me."

"Come, your husband called ahead and set everything up for you. You are a very lucky lady." She gushed.

Yes, yes I am.

She leads me over to a massage chair where I am treated to a pedicure and a manicure. But the best part was that damn chair, I gotta get me one of these. After my nails were dry I was brought over to a salon chair where the woman starts curling my hair and setting it into a loose updo. It's almost as if Harry told them how to do it.....

Oh my God he totally did.

She then did my makeup, the eye makeup was a little more dramatic then what I'm used to but it made my eyes pop. I did like though that she used sheer foundation and a nude lip color, I love my freckles and I know Harry does too.

"Your dress and shoes are in the bathroom." She informs me.

Wait what?

"Your husband has very good taste I must say." She coos as she leads me to the bathroom.

Hanging up in the bathroom was a beautiful silver silk dress. It was very light but still dressy and fit me like a glove. Harry had gotten some nude sandals  go with it.

 Harry had gotten some nude sandals  go with it

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I was in disbelief when I looked in the mirror.

What in the world is he up to?

After a final glance I make my way out to the lobby of the salon. "Oh you look gorgeous my dear." The woman gushes.

Suddenly I see Harry enter the salon and wave to her before greeting me.

Holy shit, he's wearing a pink suit.

"You look breathtaking Gen." Harry whispers before taking my hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it. I was speechless, he was seriously wearing a bubblegum pink suit paired with a black button up shirt with the top three left unbuttons.

How the fuck does he make this look good?

"You ok there babe?" He asks with his eyes full of concern.

"You're wearing pink." I blurt out, my eyes looking him up and down.

"Pink is the only true rock and roll color love." He replies smirking before offering me his arm.

Just another way he is completely different from Niall, Niall would never be caught in a brocade suit let alone a pink suit. What would possibly emasculate a man makes Harry look hot as fuck. Once outside there wasn't a car waiting, there was a damn limo.

"Harry...." I warn.

"I had money left after buying your ring, plus I wanted to make up for yesterday. I should of never said those things to you baby." Harry replies sadly.

"It's ok, I knew you didn't mean it." I assure him as the driver opens the door and we climb in. Harry was very smart, yes he has me in a long gown but the fabric is so light that with the slit it's extremely easy to maneuver in.

"So where are you taking me Styles.?" I ask.

"Dinner and maybe some karaoke if we so feel inclined." Harry informs me.

"Karaoke?? I've never done it sober." 

"Me neither, another first for the two of us?" He proposes.

"Sounds perfect Harry." I reply smiling at him widely.

"That's cause baby I'm perfect for you."

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