Chapter 67

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October 2010~
Gen's POV~

"Imogen don't you think you should have a salad or something... For the baby?"

"Niall if I don't almost double my caloric intake it could be bad for her." I state, hurt and confused by his comment.

"Whatever, just don't look at me when you get fat."


November 2010~

"Mrs Horan I'm a bit concerned, a woman of your size should of put on at least 15 pounds by the end of the 8th month but you've actually lost weight." The Doctor points out." The doctor explains.

"She looks fine." Niall quipped

"With all due respect Mr Horan, shouldn't you be more worried about your baby's health then your wife's weight." The doctor questioned him suspiciously.

"Of course he is doctor, he's just had a long day."


July 2017~

"Oh my God I'm so full, it looks like I'm pregnant with Chef Boyardee's baby." I groan, holding my stomach. Harry chuckles and pins me down underneath him. before pulling up my tank top and kissing down my stomach.

"I'll bet you were so beautiful pregnant." Harry whispers against my skin and tears begin to form in my eyes. "Gen did i say something wrong?" Harry looks up at me with a concerned look. I shift out from underneath him and sit up as I try to control my emotions.

"You're just so different then what I'm used to Harry, Niall was nothing like this. I barely gained any weight with Ever because he'd make little comments here and there. He would of never let me order 5 dishes of pasta just because I couldn't decide." I take a deep breath as Harry moves next to me and pulls my legs into his lap. "When I was pregnant I never felt beautiful or sexy, it was like he was turned off or something... I don't know how to explain it, I'm sorry for rambling."

"No it's fine, I get it more then you think. I thought Carolina was so beautiful pregnant, I couldn't get enough of her but she was never in the mood." Harry confesses and my heart breaks for him, we are so much alike then I could ever guess. "Now I know she was getting it else where though." He adds bitterly. "I guess I should be thankful though, if she wasn't the way she was I wouldn't be here right now with you." Harry says softly cupping my face. "I would go through everything a thousand times if it brought me back to this moment here with you." He whispers before pressing his lips against mine. 

After a long kiss he leans back and pulls me on top of him and I rest my head on his chest.

"We have a lot to do in the next month Harry." I whisper.

"Like what?" He asks

"You need to get Louis's assets transferred over to you then find a place to live for after the program."

"And I need to find a job." He adds. "Maybe we could look for a place together?" Harry asks with his voice full of hope.

"I mean I can look with you Harry but you need to decide on your own."

"I just thought that you should have a say on your future home." Harry coos, it warms my heart that he's thinking about a future with me but it's not that easy.

"Babe, that means the world to me but you need to decide for yourself. I'm a package deal, we need to make sure this works after you're out of the program and out in the real world. You need to continue to maintain your sobriety before you meet Ever Harry. I can't introduce you until I'm one hundred percent sure-"

"I get it Gen, I'm sorry if you felt like I was pressuring you. I understand your concern for Ever and while I can promise you my sobriety I know I have to show it as well." Harry cuts me off. "I would love your help though." He adds as his fingers dance across my back.

"Of course Harry." I assure him. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" I ask softly, Harry had asked me to find a way to spread Louis's ashes which was what we are doing tomorrow.

"Yea, I'm ready to let that life go."

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