Chapter 74

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July 2017(the following day)~
Gen's POV~

I woke up to an empty bed and panic as I check the time. We had to leave for the airport in just over an hour but I hadn't packed yet. There was a steaming cup of coffee next to me on the bedside table with some toast that I started munching on as I roll out of bed.

Harry's bag was already packed and there was an additional carry-on next to it. when I looked around the room I realized Harry had already packed for the both of us but set out some shorts, a tank top and flip flops for me as well as my hair brush and tooth brush.

I get dressed quickly as I finish my toast then brush my hair and teeth before tucking them in the bag. Our sliding glass door to the beach was open, I gaze out to the water and see Harry sitting on the sand watching the waves crash. After taking a last sip of coffee I jog out to join him.

"Whatcha doing out here all by yourself Harry?" I ask sitting down next to him, he leans back so I lay my head in his lap and look up at him. 

"Just talking to Louis, it's nice to know that he's here." Harry responds thoughtfully.

"He have any good advice?"

"Yea he told me  not to be a wanker and fuck this up with you." He smirks as I bust up with laughter.

"I knew I liked him." 

"I just wish he could be there you know? Stand up to be the best man at my wedding, be the goofy uncle that dotes on my kids." Harry says sadly.

"He'll always be with you Harry, as much negative impact as he's had on your life he's helped you turn it all around for the better." 

"You're right... Do you have to go home tonight?" He asks.

"I do, Ever really misses me."

"Do you think we could meet with my sister and Liam before we go back? I want to talk to them." Harry inquires.

"Yea we will have a few hours before I have to leave, what did you want to talk to them about?"

"They had been planning a wedding when Carolina died,  she was Gemma's maid of honor. Anyways after she died and I went off the deep end they decided to cancel their wedding and just get married at the courthouse." Harry explains.

"That's understandable, they would feel horrible celebrating something like that so soon after you lost her."

"But it's bullshit at the same time you know? Anyways I want to give them the wedding they never had after the baby is born." Harry smiled.

"That's wonderful but I'm sure you don't need to buy their love Harry."

"I know I don't, but that won't stop me from spending money on them." He boasts.

"I think it's an amazing show of love Harry." I gush smiling up at him. "Our car will be here soon babe, thank you for packing."

"It's no problem, I figured you needed the extra sleep anyways. You had an..... eventful night last night." Harry says looking down at me as he bites his lip before huffing. "It back to the real world now though huh?"

"Yea, unfortunately." I sigh. 

"Well at least you have a new toy if you need it." Harry says with a wink.

"Yea what was all that about last night?"

"I saw it in the shop the other day and figured what the hell, she may like it." He teases with a grin. "I was extremely right wasn't I?"

"It was different that's for sure, a good different." I assure him. "But I won't be using it any time soon... Not without you." I add and Harry gazes into my eyes. It feels like there is so much to say but we are both scared to say it so instead we just get lost in each other's eyes.

Suddenly my phone begins to ring. "The car is here babe." I inform him.

"I guess it's time to go then, we'll see you soon Louis." Harry tosses the ocean a quick salute before grabbing my hand as we head off.

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